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Definitions of ‘vermifuge’ vermifuge (noun) Synonyms: anthelmintic, helminthagogue

Dictionary July 6, 2024 July 6, 2024 anthelmintic, helminthagogue, noun

Definitions of ‘verse’ verse (noun) Synonyms: stitch, [[poetry]], [[versification]], stanza, stave, [[staff]], [[text]], l’envoi

Dictionary July 6, 2024 July 6, 2024 l'envoi, noun, poetry, staff, stanza, stave, stitch, text, versification

Definitions of ‘versed’ versed (adjective) Synonyms: acquainted, skilled, [[proficient]], conversant

Dictionary July 6, 2024 July 6, 2024 acquainted, adjective, conversant, proficient, skilled

Definitions of ‘versification’ versification (noun) Synonyms: orthometry

Dictionary July 6, 2024 July 6, 2024 noun, orthometry

Definitions of ‘version’ version (noun) Synonyms: rendition, [[translation]]

Dictionary July 6, 2024 July 6, 2024 noun, rendition, translation

Definitions of ‘vertex’ vertex (noun) Synonyms: apex, [[top]], [[summit]], [[crown]], [[zenith]]

Dictionary July 6, 2024 July 6, 2024 apex, crown, noun, summit, top, zenith

Definitions of ‘vertical’ vertical (adjective) Synonyms: [[upright]], [[perpendicular]], [[plumb]] Antonyms: horizontal, [[flat]], [[level]]

Dictionary July 6, 2024 July 6, 2024 adjective, perpendicular, plumb, upright

Verticordia (Verti´cor´dia). A Roman name of [[Venus (mythology)]], signifying the power of love to change the hard-hearted. The corresponding Greek […]

Mythology August 1, 2024 August 1, 2024 myth, mythological character, mythology, Venus, Verticordia

Vertumnus (Vertum´nus) (“the Turner,” “Changer”). God of spring, or, as some mythologists say, of the seasons; the husband of [[Pomona […]

Mythology August 1, 2024 August 1, 2024 myth, mythological character, mythology, Pomona, Vertumnus

Definitions of ‘very’ very (adjective) Synonyms: veritable, [[true]], [[real]], [[actual]], [[unquestionable]], identical, [[same]], selfsame very (adverb) Synonyms: exceedingly, highly, greatly, […]

Dictionary July 6, 2024 July 6, 2024 actual, adjective, adverb, exceedingly, excessively, extremely, greatly, highly, identical, real, same, selfsame, surpassingly, true, unquestionable, veritable

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actual, adjective, adverb, exceedingly, excessively, extremely, greatly, highly, identical, real, same, selfsame, surpassingly, true, unquestionable, veritable
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