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Definitions of ‘wayward’ wayward (adjective) Synonyms: [[disobedient]], [[perverse]], [[froward]], [[willful]], intractable, [[headstrong]]

Dictionary July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 adjective, disobedient, froward, headstrong, intractable, perverse, willful

Definitions of ‘waywiser’ waywiser (noun) Synonyms: odometer, pedometer, perambulator

Dictionary July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 noun, odometer, pedometer, perambulator

Definitions of ‘weak’ weak (adjective) Synonyms: [[feeble]], infirm, debilitated, weakly, [[fragile]], [[delicate]], [[invalid]], emasculated, enervated, vulnerable, assailable, [[unguarded]], unprotected, exposed, […]

Dictionary July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 adjective, assailable, brittle, debilitated, defective, delicate, diluted, emasculated, enervated, errable, erring, exposed, fallible, feeble, flimsy, fragile, frail, gauzy, illogical, impotent, inconclusive, indiscreet, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, infirm, insipid, invalid, irresolute, lame, peccable, pliant, rickety, sleazy, slight, tender, thin, unguarded, unprotected, unsafe, unsatisfactory, unsound, unstable, unsubstantial, unsustained, vacillating, vapid, vulnerable, wavering, weakly

Definitions of ‘weak-kneed’ weak-kneed (adjective) Synonyms: [[yielding]], [[irresolute]], pliant, [[vacillating]]

Dictionary July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 adjective, irresolute, pliant, vacillating, yielding

Definitions of ‘weak-minded’ weak-minded (adjective) Synonyms: [[feeble-minded]], [[foolish]], [[shallow]], witless

Dictionary July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 adjective, feeble-minded, foolish, shallow, witless

Definitions of ‘weaken’ weaken (verb) Synonyms: debilitate, enfeeble, enervate, unnerve, emasculate, incapacitate, [[sap]], undermine, [[unman]], [[exhaust]], deplete, [[dilute]], [[thin]], [[invalidate]], […]

Dictionary July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 debilitate, decline, deplete, dilute, diminish, emasculate, enervate, enfeeble, exhaust, impair, incapacitate, invalidate, lower, sap, thin, undermine, unman, unnerve, verb

Definitions of ‘weakening’ weakening (adjective) Synonyms: debilitant, diluent, attenuant

Dictionary July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 adjective, attenuant, debilitant, diluent

Definitions of ‘weakness’ weakness (noun) Synonyms: debility, feebleness, [[infirmity]], enervation, debilitation, frailness, [[fragility]], impotence, [[invalidism]], vulnerability, accessibility, exposedness, foible, [[defect]], […]

Dictionary July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 accessibility, asthenia, atony, debilitation, debility, defect, deficiency, enervation, errability, exposedness, fallibility, feebleness, foible, fragility, frailness, impotence, indecision, ineffectiveness, inefficacy, infirmity, instability, invalidism, irresolution, noun, peccability, vacillation, vulnerability

Definitions of ‘weal’ weal (noun) Synonyms: [[prosperity]], [[welfare]], [[happiness]]

Dictionary July 31, 2024 July 31, 2024 happiness, noun, prosperity, welfare

Wealth see [[Cuvera (mythology)]].

Mythology August 3, 2024 August 3, 2024 Cuvera, myth, mythological character, mythology, wealth

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Cuvera, myth, mythological character, mythology, wealth
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