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Definitions of ‘whip’ whip (verb) Synonyms: [[lash]], [[beat]], [[thrash]], [[flog]], drub, [[punish]], [[chastise]], trounce, flagellate, [[castigate]], [[scourge]], [[switch]], spank, [[maul]], […]

Dictionary July 19, 2024 July 19, 2024 beat, castigate, chastise, conquer, defeat, drub, flagellate, flog, fustigate, jerk, lash, maul, punish, scourge, snatch, spank, switch, thrash, trounce, verb, whisk

Definitions of ‘whipping’ whipping (noun) Synonyms: [[chastisement]], [[castigation]], [[punishment]], scourging, trouncing, flagellation, [[beating]], [[lashing]], fustigation, flogging, [[mauling]], [[defeat]]

Dictionary July 19, 2024 July 19, 2024 beating, castigation, chastisement, defeat, flagellation, flogging, fustigation, lashing, mauling, noun, punishment, scourging, trouncing

Definitions of ‘whippletree’ whippletree (noun) Synonyms: whiffletree, swingletree, singletree

Dictionary July 19, 2024 July 19, 2024 noun, singletree, swingletree, whiffletree

Definitions of ‘whirl’ whirl (verb) Synonyms: [[spin]], [[revolve]], twirl, [[rotate]], gyrate, wheel, pirouette whirl (noun) Synonyms: circumvolution, [[rotation]], gyration, swirl

Dictionary July 19, 2024 July 19, 2024 circumvolution, gyrate, gyration, noun, pirouette, revolve, rotate, rotation, spin, swirl, twirl, verb, wheel

Definitions of ‘whirling’ whirling (adjective) Synonyms: [[spinning]], rotating, vertiginous, gyratory whirling (noun) Synonyms: [[spinning]], [[rotation]], gyration, turbination, pirouette

Dictionary July 19, 2024 July 19, 2024 adjective, gyration, gyratory, noun, pirouette, rotating, rotation, spinning, turbination, vertiginous

Definitions of ‘whirlpool’ whirlpool (noun) Synonyms: maelstrom, vortex, [[eddy]], Charybdis

Dictionary July 19, 2024 July 19, 2024 Charybdis, eddy, maelstrom, noun, vortex

Definitions of ‘whirlwind’ whirlwind (noun) Synonyms: [[cyclone]], typhoon

Dictionary July 19, 2024 July 19, 2024 cyclone, noun, typhoon

Definitions of ‘whiskey’ whiskey (noun) Synonyms: spiritus frumenti Associated words: faints, [[distill]], distiller, distillery, poteen, [[moonshine]], moonshiner

Dictionary July 19, 2024 July 19, 2024 distill, distiller, distillery, faints, moonshine, moonshiner, noun, poteen, spiritus frumenti

Definitions of ‘whisper’ whisper (noun) Synonyms: susurrus, susurration, whispering, sibilation, innuendo, [[suggestion]], intimation

Dictionary July 19, 2024 July 19, 2024 innuendo, intimation, noun, sibilation, suggestion, susurration, susurrus, whispering

Definitions of ‘whit’ whit (noun) Synonyms: [[particle]], [[atom]], [[iota]], [[jot]], tittle, [[bit]], [[mite]], [[mote]], ace, [[scintilla]], [[scrap]]

Dictionary July 19, 2024 July 19, 2024 ace, atom, bit, iota, jot, mite, mote, noun, particle, scintilla, scrap, tittle

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ace, atom, bit, iota, jot, mite, mote, noun, particle, scintilla, scrap, tittle
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