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Definitions of ‘yoke’ yoke (noun) Synonyms: oxbow and bar, crosspiece, [[team]], [[span]], [[pair]], [[couple]], [[bond]], [[link]], [[chain]], coupling yoke (verb) […]

Dictionary July 28, 2024 July 28, 2024 bond, chain, couple, coupling, crosspiece, enslave, hitch together, join, link, noun, oxbow and bar, pair, span, subject, team, unite, verb

Definitions of ‘yokel’ yokel (noun) Synonyms: [[bumpkin]], boor, [[rustic]]

Dictionary July 28, 2024 July 28, 2024 boor, bumpkin, noun, rustic

Triptolemus (Triptol´emus). A son of [[Oceanus (mythology)]] and [[Terra (mythology)]]. He was a great favorite of the goddess [[Ceres (mythology)]], […]

Mythology July 28, 2024 July 28, 2024 Ceres, myth, mythological character, mythology, Oceanus, Terra, Triptolemus

Definitions of ‘yolk’ yolk (noun) Synonyms: yelk, vitellus, oviplasma

Dictionary July 28, 2024 July 28, 2024 noun, oviplasma, vitellus, yelk

Definitions of ‘young’ young (adjective) Synonyms: [[juvenile]], [[youthful]], [[immature]], adolescent young (noun) Synonyms: [[offspring]] Associated words: [[beget]], prolific, fecundity, procreation, […]

Dictionary July 28, 2024 July 28, 2024 adjective, adolescent, beget, brood, fecundity, fetiferous, fetus, generation, immature, juvenile, noun, offspring, pregnancy, pregnant, procreation, prolific, youthful

Triterica (Triteri´ca). Bacchanalian festivals.

Mythology July 28, 2024 July 28, 2024 myth, mythological character, mythology, Triterica

Definitions of ‘younger’ younger (adjective) Synonyms: junior

Dictionary July 28, 2024 July 28, 2024 adjective, junior
Youngest born

Definitions of ‘youngest born’ Associated words: postremogeniture

Dictionary July 28, 2024 July 28, 2024 postremogeniture

Definitions of ‘youth’ youth (noun) Synonyms: [[juvenility]], youthfulness, [[adolescence]], teens, [[minority]], nonage, juniority, young man, lad, [[boy]], stipling, cadet, [[minor]], […]

Dictionary July 28, 2024 July 28, 2024 adolescence, adolescent, boy, cadet, juniority, juvenescence, juvenescent, juvenile, juvenility, lad, minor, minority, nonage, noun, rejuvenate, rejuvenating, rejuvenation, rejuvenescence, rejuvenescent, stipling, teens, young man, youthfulness

Tritons (Tri´tons) were sons of Triton, a son of [[Neptune (mythology)]] and [[Amphitrite (mythology)]]. They were the trumpeters of the […]

Mythology July 28, 2024 July 28, 2024 Amphitrite, myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Tritons

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Amphitrite, myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Tritons
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