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Cassandra (Cassan´dra), a daughter of [[Priam (mythology)]] and [[Hecuba (mythology)]], who was granted by [[Apollo (mythology)]] the power of seeing […]

Mythology February 27, 2024 February 27, 2024 Apollo, Cassandra, Hecuba, myth, mythological character, mythology, Priam

Cassiopeia (Cassiope´ia). The Ethiopian queen who set her beauty in comparison with that of the [[Nereides (mythology)]], who thereupon chained […]

Mythology February 27, 2024 February 27, 2024 Andromeda, Cassiopeia, myth, mythological character, mythology, Nereides, Perseus

Castalia (Casta´lia). One of the fountains in Mount [[Parnassus (mythology)]], sacred to the [[Muses (mythology)]].

Mythology February 27, 2024 February 27, 2024 Castalia, Muses, myth, mythological character, mythology, Parnassus

Castalides (Casta´li´des), a name of the [[Muses (mythology)]], from the fountain [[Castalia (mythology)]] or Castalius.

Mythology February 27, 2024 February 27, 2024 Castalia, Castalides, Muses, myth, mythological character, mythology

Castor (Cas´tor), son of [[Jupiter (mythology)]] and [[Leda (mythology)]], twin brother of [[Pollux (mythology)]], noted for his skill in horsemanship. […]

Mythology February 27, 2024 February 27, 2024 Castor, Golden Fleece, Jason, Jupiter, Leda, myth, mythological character, mythology, Pollux

Cauther (Cau´ther), in Mohammedan mythology, is the lake of paradise, whose waters are as sweet as honey, as cold as […]

Mythology February 27, 2024 February 27, 2024 Cauther, myth, mythological character, mythology

Celeno (Cel´eno) was one of the [[Harpies (mythology)]], progenitor of Zephyrus, the west wind.

Mythology February 27, 2024 February 27, 2024 Celeno, Harpies, myth, mythological character, mythology

Centaur (Cen´taur). A huntsman who had the forepart like a man, and the remainder of the body like a horse. […]

Mythology February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 centaur, myth, mythological character, mythology

Cephalus (Cep´halus) was married to [[Procris (mythology)]], whom he accidentally slew by shooting her while she was secretly watching him, […]

Mythology February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 Cephalus, myth, mythological character, mythology, Procris

Ceraunius (Cerau´nius). A Greek name of [[Jupiter (mythology)]], meaning The Fulminator, from his thunderbolts.

Mythology February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 Ceraunius, Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology

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Ceraunius, Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology
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