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Cerberus (Cer´berus). [[Pluto (mythology)]]’s famous three-headed dog, which guarded the gate of the infernal regions, preventing the living from entering, […]

Mythology February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 Cerberus, myth, mythological character, mythology, Pluto

Ceremonies see [[Themis (mythology)]].

Mythology February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 Ceremonies, myth, mythological character, mythology, Themis

Ceres (Ce´res), daughter of [[Saturn (mythology)]], the goddess of agriculture, and of the fruits of the earth. She taught [[Triptolemus […]

Mythology February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 Alma Mammosa, Ambarvalia, Bona Dea, Ceres, Magna Dea, myth, mythological character, mythology, Proserpine, Saturn, Thesmorphonis, Triptolemus

Cestus (Ces´tus), the girdle of [[Venus (mythology)]], which excited irresistible affection.

Mythology February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 cestus, myth, mythological character, mythology, Venus

Chaos (Cha´os) allegorically represented the confused mass of matter supposed to have existed before the creation of the world, and […]

Mythology February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 chaos, myth, mythological character, mythology, Night

Charon (Char´on) was the son of [[Nox (mythology)]] and [[Erebus (mythology)]]. He was the ferryman who conveyed the spirits of […]

Mythology February 29, 2024 February 29, 2024 Acheron, Charon, Erebus, Lethe, myth, mythological character, mythology, Nox, Styx

Charybdis (Charyb´dis). A dangerous whirlpool on the coast of Sicily. Personified, it was supposed to have been a woman who […]

Mythology February 29, 2024 February 29, 2024 Charybdis, Hercules, myth, mythological character, mythology, Polyphemus, Scylla

Chemos (Che´mos). The Moabitish god of war.

Mythology February 29, 2024 February 29, 2024 Chemos, myth, mythological character, mythology

Children see [[Nundina (mythology)]].

Mythology February 29, 2024 February 29, 2024 children, myth, mythological character, mythology, Nundina

Chimaera (Chimae´ra). A wild illusion, personified in the monster slain by [[Bellerophon (mythology)]]. It had the head and breast of […]

Mythology February 29, 2024 February 29, 2024 Bellerophon, Chimaera, myth, mythological character, mythology

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Bellerophon, Chimaera, myth, mythological character, mythology
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