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Deianira (Deiani´ra), daughter of Oeneus, was wife of [[Hercules (mythology)]]. See [[Hercules (mythology)]].

Mythology April 20, 2024 April 20, 2024 Deianira, Hercules, myth, mythological character, mythology

Diomedes (Diome´des), the cruel tyrant of Thrace, who fed his mares on the flesh of his guests. He was overcome […]

Mythology April 22, 2024 April 22, 2024 Diomedes, Hercules, myth, mythological character, mythology

Ephialtes (Eph´ial´tes). A giant who lost his right eye in an encounter with [[Hercules (mythology)]], and the left eye was […]

Mythology April 28, 2024 April 28, 2024 Apollo, Ephialtes, Hercules, myth, mythological character, mythology

Geryon (Ge´ryon) was a triple-bodied monster who lived at Gades, where his numerous flocks were guarded by Orthos, a two-headed […]

Mythology May 9, 2024 May 9, 2024 Eurythion, Geryon, Hercules, myth, mythological character, mythology

Heracles (Her´acles) is the same as [[Hercules (mythology)]].

Mythology May 16, 2024 May 16, 2024 Heracles, Hercules, myth, mythological character, mythology

Hercules (Her´cules) was the son of [[Jupiter (mythology)]] and [[Alcmena (mythology)]]. The goddess [[Juno (mythology)]] hated him from his birth, […]

Mythology May 16, 2024 May 16, 2024 Alcmena, Amazons, Antaeus, Cacus, Cerberus, Deianira, Diomedes, Geryon, Hades, Hercules, Hesperides, Hippolyte, Hydra, Juno, Jupiter, labor, Lerna, myth, mythological character, mythology, Nessus, Stymphalides

Hesperides (Hesper´ides). Three daughters of [[Hesperus (mythology)]], King of Italy. They were appointed to guard the golden apples which [[Juno […]

Mythology May 17, 2024 May 17, 2024 Hercules, Hesperides, Hesperus, Juno, Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology

Hippolyte (Hippol´yte), queen of the [[Amazons (mythology)]], daughter of [[Mars (mythology)]]. Her father gave her a famous girdle, which [[Hercules […]

Mythology May 18, 2024 May 18, 2024 Amazons, Hercules, Hippolyte, Mars, myth, mythological character, mythology, Theseus

Hydra (Hy´dra). A monster serpent, which had a hundred heads. It was slain by [[Hercules (mythology)]]. See [[Hercules (mythology)]].

Mythology May 20, 2024 May 20, 2024 Hercules, Hydra, myth, mythological character, mythology

Hylas (Hy´las). A beautiful boy beloved by [[Hercules (mythology)]]. The nymphs were jealous of him, and spirited him away while […]

Mythology May 21, 2024 May 21, 2024 Hercules, Hylas, myth, mythological character, mythology

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Hercules, Hylas, myth, mythological character, mythology
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