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Definitions of ‘steal’ steal (verb) Synonyms: [[pilfer]], filch, peculate, purloin, poach, [[abstract]], [[rob]], [[defraud]], [[pirate]], [[plunder]], [[crib]], [[pillage]], rapine loot, […]

Dictionary May 7, 2024 May 7, 2024 abstract, creep furtively, crib, defraud, embezzle, filch, go stealthily, insinuate, peculate, pilfer, pillage, pirate, plagiarize, plunder, poach, purloin, rapine loot, ratten, rob, skulk, slink, sneak, thieve, verb

Definitions of ‘stealing’ stealing (noun) Synonyms: [[theft]], larceny, [[robbery]], [[pilfering]], [[peculation]], [[thievery]], [[abstraction]], looting, cribbing, [[rapine]], [[depredation]], surreption, [[piracy]], plundering, […]

Dictionary May 7, 2024 May 7, 2024 abstraction, booty, cribbing, depredation, embezzlement, fence, kleptomania, larceny, light-fingered, loot, looting, noun, peculation, pilfering, pillage, piracy, plagiarism, plunder, plundering, predatory, rapine, robbery, shop lifting, spoil, spoils, surreption, swag, theft, thievery
Stolen goods

Definitions of ‘stolen goods’ Synonyms: [[booty]], [[loot]], [[spoil]], [[plunder]], [[pillage]] Associated words: [[fence]]

Dictionary May 10, 2024 May 10, 2024 booty, fence, loot, pillage, plunder, spoil

Definitions of ‘strip’ strip (noun) Synonyms: [[shred]], fillet, [[batten]], cleat, [[list]] strip (verb) Synonyms: [[deprive]], divest, [[dispossess]], [[dismantle]], [[plunder]], [[desolate]], […]

Dictionary May 13, 2024 May 13, 2024 batten, cleat, denude, deprive, desolate, despoil, devastate, dismantle, dispossess, disrobe, divest, fillet, fleece, list, noun, pillage, plunder, rifle, sack, shred, uncover, undress, verb

Definitions of ‘waste’ waste (verb) Synonyms: squander, misspend, fritter away, dissipate, dawdle, [[desolate]], [[devastate]], despoil, [[sack]], [[pillage]], [[ravage]], [[strip]], [[decline]], […]

Dictionary July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 adjective, dawdle, decay, decline, decrement, Desert, desolate, desolation, despoil, despoliation, destruction, devastate, devastated, devastation rapine, dissipate, dissipation, dwindle, excrementitious, exuberant, fritter away, garbage, havoc, inarable, misspend, molder, noun, offal, pillage, pillaged, pine, prodigality, ravage, ravaged, recrement, refuse, rejected, remnants, rubbish, sack, sacking, squander, squandering, strip, stripped, superfluous, unnecessary, unproductive, untilled, unused, verb, wasting, wild, wilderness, wither, worthless

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adjective, dawdle, decay, decline, decrement, Desert, desolate, desolation, despoil, despoliation, destruction, devastate, devastated, devastation rapine, dissipate, dissipation, dwindle, excrementitious, exuberant, fritter away, garbage, havoc, inarable, misspend, molder, noun, offal, pillage, pillaged, pine, prodigality, ravage, ravaged, recrement, refuse, rejected, remnants, rubbish, sack, sacking, squander, squandering, strip, stripped, superfluous, unnecessary, unproductive, untilled, unused, verb, wasting, wild, wilderness, wither, worthless
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