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Definitions of ‘debauched’ debauched (adjective) Synonyms: dissolute, licentious, dissipated, corrupt

Dictionary July 17, 2023 July 17, 2023 adjective, corrupt, dissipated, dissolute, licentious

Definitions of ‘debatable’ debatable (adjective) Synonyms: contestable, moot, disputable, mooted, controvertible Antonyms: incontestable, indisputable, incontrovertible

Dictionary July 17, 2023 July 17, 2023 adjective, contestable, controvertible, disputable, moot, mooted

Definitions of ‘deathless’ deathless (adjective) Synonyms: immortal, imperishable, undying

Dictionary July 17, 2023 July 17, 2023 adjective, immortal, imperishable, undying

Definitions of ‘dear’ dear (adjective) Synonyms: costly, expensive, high-priced, beloved, darling, precious Antonyms: cheap, inexpensive

Dictionary July 16, 2023 July 16, 2023 adjective, beloved, costly, darling, expensive, high-priced, precious

Definitions of ‘deadly’ deadly (adjective) Synonyms: fatal, mortal, lethal, lethiferous, noxious, internecine, implacable, unrelenting

Dictionary July 16, 2023 July 16, 2023 adjective, fatal, implacable, internecine, lethal, lethiferous, mortal, noxious, unrelenting

Definitions of ‘deadborn’ deadborn (adjective) Synonyms: stillborn

Dictionary July 16, 2023 July 16, 2023 adjective, stillborn

Definitions of ‘dead’ dead (adjective) Synonyms: lifeless, deceased, inanimate, defunct, extinct, departed, inert, obtuse, impassive, callous, torpid, unfeeling, subdued

Dictionary July 16, 2023 July 16, 2023 adjective, callous, deceased, defunct, departed, extinct, impassive, inanimate, inert, lifeless, obtuse, subdued, torpid, unfeeling

Definitions of ‘dazzling’ dazzling (adjective) Synonyms: brilliant, intense, glaring

Dictionary July 16, 2023 July 16, 2023 adjective, brilliant, glaring, intense

Definitions of ‘dauntless’ dauntless (adjective) Synonyms: intrepid, valorous, daring, fearless

Dictionary July 16, 2023 July 16, 2023 adjective, daring, fearless, intrepid, valorous

Definitions of ‘dashing’ dashing (adjective) Synonyms: spirited, bold, brilliant, ostentatious, gay, roaring, rushing, headlong

Dictionary July 15, 2023 July 15, 2023 adjective, bold, brilliant, gay, headlong, ostentatious, roaring, rushing, spirited

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adjective, bold, brilliant, gay, headlong, ostentatious, roaring, rushing, spirited
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