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Definitions of ‘thievish’ thievish (adjective) Synonyms: [[light-fingered]], [[pilfering]], [[predatory]], [[stealthy]], [[sneaking]]

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 adjective, light-fingered, pilfering, predatory, sneaking, stealthy

Definitions of ‘thin’ thin (adjective) Synonyms: emaciated, [[slender]], [[poor]], wasted, peaked, [[gaunt]], scrawny, lank, [[spare]], [[meager]], [[haggard]], [[scraggy]], tenuous, [[delicate]], […]

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 adjective, attenuate, attenuated, delicate, diaphanous, dilute, diminish, emaciated, fine, flimsy, gaunt, gauzy, gossamery, haggard, inadequate, incompact, insufficient, lank, meager, peaked, poor, rare, rarefied, rarefy, reduce, scanty, scraggy, scrawny, sheer, sleazy, slender, spare, sparse, subtile, subtilize, superficial, tenuous, transparent, unsubstantial, verb, wasted

Definitions of ‘thin-skinned’ thin-skinned (adjective) Synonyms: leptodermic, [[sensitive]], impressible, [[irritable]]

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 adjective, impressible, irritable, leptodermic, sensitive

Definitions of ‘thinkable’ thinkable (adjective) Synonyms: conceivable, cogitable, imaginable, presumable

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 adjective, cogitable, conceivable, imaginable, presumable

Definitions of ‘thinking’ thinking (adjective) Synonyms: [[rational]], [[pensive]], reflective, contemplative, cogitative, introspective thinking (noun) Synonyms: cogitation, [[meditation]], contemplation, [[thought]]

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 adjective, cogitation, cogitative, contemplation, contemplative, introspective, meditation, noun, pensive, rational, reflective, thought

Definitions of ‘third’ third (adjective) Synonyms: tertiary

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 adjective, tertiary

Definitions of ‘thornless’ thornless (adjective) Synonyms: [[spineless]], inermis

Dictionary May 29, 2024 May 29, 2024 adjective, inermis, spineless

Definitions of ‘thorny’ thorny (adjective) Synonyms: spiny, briery, [[prickly]], [[vexatious]], [[troublesome]], [[annoying]]

Dictionary May 29, 2024 May 29, 2024 adjective, annoying, briery, prickly, spiny, troublesome, vexatious

Definitions of ‘thorough’ thorough (adjective) Synonyms: [[complete]], [[profound]] Antonyms: superficial, cursory, [[partial]], sciolistic

Dictionary May 29, 2024 May 29, 2024 adjective, complete, profound

Definitions of ‘thoughtful’ thoughtful (adjective) Synonyms: contemplative, [[meditative]], reflective, cogitative, wistful, [[pensive]], preoccupied, [[abstracted]], [[considerate]], [[heedful]], circumspect, [[wary]]

Dictionary May 29, 2024 May 29, 2024 abstracted, adjective, circumspect, cogitative, considerate, contemplative, heedful, meditative, pensive, preoccupied, reflective, wary, wistful

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abstracted, adjective, circumspect, cogitative, considerate, contemplative, heedful, meditative, pensive, preoccupied, reflective, wary, wistful
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