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Definitions of ‘unexpected’ unexpected (adjective) Synonyms: unforeseen, unanticipated, unlooked for

Dictionary June 18, 2024 June 18, 2024 adjective, unanticipated, unforeseen, unlooked for

Definitions of ‘unexperienced’ unexperienced (adjective) Synonyms: [[inexperienced]], unpracticed

Dictionary June 18, 2024 June 18, 2024 adjective, inexperienced, unpracticed

Definitions of ‘unexplainable’ unexplainable (adjective) Synonyms: inexplicable, [[inscrutable]], uninterpretable

Dictionary June 18, 2024 June 18, 2024 adjective, inexplicable, inscrutable, uninterpretable

Definitions of ‘unexpressible’ unexpressible (adjective) Synonyms: [[inexpressible]], [[unutterable]], ineffable

Dictionary June 18, 2024 June 18, 2024 adjective, ineffable, inexpressible, unutterable

Definitions of ‘unextinguishable’ unextinguishable (adjective) Synonyms: [[unquenchable]], insuppressible

Dictionary June 18, 2024 June 18, 2024 adjective, insuppressible, unquenchable

Definitions of ‘unfading’ unfading (adjective) Synonyms: [[perennial]], amaranthine, [[permanent]], [[enduring]]

Dictionary June 18, 2024 June 18, 2024 adjective, amaranthine, enduring, perennial, permanent

Definitions of ‘Unfailing’ Unfailing (adjective) Synonyms: [[sure]], [[certain]], [[constant]], [[inexhaustible]], [[infallible]], inevitable

Dictionary June 18, 2024 June 18, 2024 adjective, certain, constant, inevitable, inexhaustible, infallible, sure

Definitions of ‘unfair’ unfair (adjective) Synonyms: [[unjust]], [[partial]], [[unconscionable]], inequitable, disingenuous

Dictionary June 19, 2024 June 19, 2024 adjective, disingenuous, inequitable, partial, unconscionable, unjust

Definitions of ‘unfaithful’ unfaithful (adjective) Synonyms: [[disloyal]], [[faithless]], [[perfidious]], [[undutiful]], [[renegade]], [[apostate]], [[recreant]], [[derelict]], [[false]], [[treacherous]], [[traitorous]], treasonable, untrustworthy, [[pervert]], […]

Dictionary June 19, 2024 June 19, 2024 adjective, apostate, derelict, disloyal, faithless, false, fickle, inconstant, perfidious, pervert, recreant, renegade, traitorous, treacherous, treasonable, undutiful, unsteadfast, untrustworthy

Definitions of ‘unfaltering’ unfaltering (adjective) Synonyms: [[steadfast]], [[unwavering]], unswerving

Dictionary June 19, 2024 June 19, 2024 adjective, steadfast, unswerving, unwavering

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adjective, steadfast, unswerving, unwavering
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