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Definitions of ‘cast-off’ cast-off (adjective) Synonyms: discarded, rejected

Dictionary June 6, 2023 June 6, 2023 adjective, discarded, rejected

Definitions of ‘castiron’ castiron (adjective) Synonyms: unyielding, indomitable, hardy

Dictionary June 6, 2023 June 6, 2023 adjective, hardy, indomitable, unyielding

Definitions of ‘case-hardened’ case-hardened (adjective) Synonyms: seared, obdurate

Dictionary June 6, 2023 June 6, 2023 adjective, obdurate, seared

Definitions of ‘case’ case (adjective) Synonyms: sheath, covering, capsule, receptacle, quiver, chest, event, happening, instance, circumstances, condition, affair, plight, predicament, […]

Dictionary June 6, 2023 June 6, 2023 adjective, affair, capsule, chest, circumstances, condition, contingency, covering, dilemma, event, happening, instance, plight, predicament, quiver, receptacle, sheath

Definitions of ‘Carthaginian’ Carthaginian (adjective) Synonyms: Punic

Dictionary June 6, 2023 June 6, 2023 adjective, Punic

Definitions of ‘carping’ carping (adjective) Synonyms: caviling, censorious, captious, hypercritical, fault-finding

Dictionary June 5, 2023 June 5, 2023 adjective, captious, caviling, censorious, fault-finding, hypercritical

Definitions of ‘carnal’ carnal (adjective) Synonyms: sensual, fleshly, bodily, lustful, salacious, unregenerate

Dictionary June 5, 2023 June 5, 2023 adjective, bodily, fleshly, lustful, salacious, sensual, unregenerate

Definitions of ‘carking’ carking (adjective) Synonyms: harassing, worrying, distressing, vexatious

Dictionary June 5, 2023 June 5, 2023 adjective, distressing, harassing, vexatious, worrying

Definitions of ‘careless’ careless (adjective) Synonyms: negligent, unconcerned, indifferent, heedless, inattentive, regardless, lax, incautious, remiss, inconsiderate, nonchalant, neglectful, unwary, imprudent, […]

Dictionary June 5, 2023 June 5, 2023 adjective, desultory, devil-may-care, heedless, improvident, imprudent, inattentive, incautious, inconsiderate, indifferent, indiscreet, lax, neglectful, negligent, nonchalant, perfunctory, reckless, regardless, remiss, slack, slovenly, supine, unconcerned, unwary

Definitions of ‘careful’ careful (adjective) Synonyms: cautious, watchful, provident, chary, attentive, circumspect, considerate, heedful, prudent, discreet, wary, mindful, choice, sparing, […]

Dictionary June 5, 2023 June 5, 2023 adjective, attentive, cautious, chary, choice, circumspect, considerate, discreet, heedful, mindful, observant, provident, prudent, sparing, wary, watchful

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adjective, attentive, cautious, chary, choice, circumspect, considerate, discreet, heedful, mindful, observant, provident, prudent, sparing, wary, watchful
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