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Definitions of ‘unhallowed’ unhallowed (adjective) Synonyms: unsanctified, [[profane]]

Dictionary June 20, 2024 June 20, 2024 adjective, profane, unsanctified

Definitions of ‘unhandy’ unhandy (adjective) Synonyms: [[inconvenient]], [[clumsy]], [[awkward]], maladroit

Dictionary June 20, 2024 June 20, 2024 adjective, awkward, clumsy, inconvenient, maladroit

Definitions of ‘unhappy’ unhappy (adjective) Synonyms: infelicitous, [[unfortunate]], [[miserable]], [[wretched]], [[sad]], [[sorrowful]], [[disconsolate]], woeful, distressed, heart-sick, [[mournful]], [[lugubrious]], deplorable, [[calamitous]], […]

Dictionary June 20, 2024 June 20, 2024 adjective, calamitous, deplorable, disconsolate, distressed, distressing, grievous, heart-sick, inauspicious, infelicitous, lugubrious, malign, miserable, mournful, sad, sorrowful, unfortunate, unpropitious, woeful, wretched

Definitions of ‘unharmed’ unharmed (adjective) Synonyms: unscathed, inviolate, uninjured, [[unhurt]], intact, scathless

Dictionary June 20, 2024 June 20, 2024 adjective, intact, inviolate, scathless, unhurt, uninjured, unscathed

Definitions of ‘unharmonious’ unharmonious (adjective) Synonyms: inharmonious, [[discordant]], dissonant, [[harsh]]

Dictionary June 20, 2024 June 20, 2024 adjective, discordant, dissonant, harsh, inharmonious

Definitions of ‘unhealable’ unhealable (adjective) Synonyms: insanable, [[incurable]]

Dictionary June 21, 2024 June 21, 2024 adjective, incurable, insanable

Definitions of ‘unhealthful’ unhealthful (adjective) Synonyms: [[unwholesome]], insalubrious, unsanitary, [[unhealthy]], morbific, [[pestiferous]]

Dictionary June 21, 2024 June 21, 2024 adjective, insalubrious, morbific, pestiferous, unhealthy, unsanitary, unwholesome

Definitions of ‘unhealthy’ unhealthy (adjective) Synonyms: [[unhealthful]], [[unwholesome]], insalubrious, [[noxious]], [[noisome]], [[pestiferous]], [[pernicious]], unsanitary, unhygienic, morbid, morbific, [[pestilent]], insalutary, [[sickly]], […]

Dictionary June 21, 2024 June 21, 2024 adjective, diseased, insalubrious, insalutary, invalid, morbid, morbific, noisome, noxious, pernicious, pestiferous, pestilent, sickly, unhealthful, unhygienic, unsanitary, unsound, unwholesome

Definitions of ‘unheeded’ unheeded (adjective) Synonyms: disregarded, ignored, [[unnoticed]]

Dictionary June 21, 2024 June 21, 2024 adjective, disregarded, ignored, unnoticed

Definitions of ‘unholy’ unholy (adjective) Synonyms: [[unhallowed]], unconsecrated, [[profane]], impious, [[evil]], [[ungodly]]

Dictionary June 21, 2024 June 21, 2024 adjective, evil, impious, profane, unconsecrated, ungodly, unhallowed

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adjective, evil, impious, profane, unconsecrated, ungodly, unhallowed
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