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Definitions of ‘unmeltable’ unmeltable (adjective) Synonyms: infusible

Dictionary June 23, 2024 June 23, 2024 adjective, infusible

Definitions of ‘unmindful’ unmindful (adjective) Synonyms: [[oblivious]], inadvertent, [[inattentive]], heedless

Dictionary June 23, 2024 June 23, 2024 adjective, heedless, inadvertent, inattentive, oblivious

Definitions of ‘unmistakable’ unmistakable (adjective) Synonyms: [[manifest]], palpable, [[obvious]], [[patent]], [[evident]], distinct, unambiguous

Dictionary June 23, 2024 June 23, 2024 adjective, distinct, evident, manifest, obvious, palpable, patent, unambiguous

Definitions of ‘unmixable’ unmixable (adjective) Synonyms: immiscible

Dictionary June 23, 2024 June 23, 2024 adjective, immiscible

Definitions of ‘unmovable’ unmovable (adjective) Synonyms: [[fixed]], [[stable]], immobile

Dictionary June 23, 2024 June 23, 2024 adjective, fixed, immobile, stable

Definitions of ‘unmoved’ unmoved (adjective) Synonyms: [[calm]], dispassionate, [[indifferent]], unstirred, impassive, stoical

Dictionary June 23, 2024 June 23, 2024 adjective, calm, dispassionate, impassive, indifferent, stoical, unstirred

Definitions of ‘unmusical’ unmusical (adjective) Synonyms: inharmonious, [[discordant]]

Dictionary June 24, 2024 June 24, 2024 adjective, discordant, inharmonious

Definitions of ‘unnatural’ unnatural (adjective) Synonyms: [[abnormal]], [[monstrous]], [[anomalous]], aberrant, variant, preternatural, exceptional, [[irregular]], [[artificial]], [[affected]], [[feigned]], assumed simulated, [[constrained]]

Dictionary June 24, 2024 June 24, 2024 aberrant, abnormal, adjective, affected, anomalous, artificial, assumed simulated, constrained, exceptional, feigned, irregular, monstrous, preternatural, variant

Definitions of ‘unnecessary’ unnecessary (adjective) Synonyms: [[superfluous]], [[useless]], [[needless]], uncalled for, expletive, [[redundant]], supernumerary

Dictionary June 24, 2024 June 24, 2024 adjective, expletive, needless, redundant, superfluous, supernumerary, uncalled for, useless

Definitions of ‘unneighborly’ unneighborly (adjective) Synonyms: [[unsociable]], exclusive, [[distant]], unaccommodating

Dictionary June 24, 2024 June 24, 2024 adjective, distant, exclusive, unaccommodating, unsociable

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adjective, distant, exclusive, unaccommodating, unsociable
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