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Definitions of ‘blistering’ blistering (adjective) Synonyms: vesicatory, epispastic, pustulant blistering (noun) Synonyms vesication, pustulation

Dictionary May 20, 2023 May 20, 2023 adjective, epispastic, noun, pustulant, pustulation, vesication, vesicatory

Definitions of ‘blissful’ blissful (adjective) Synonyms: felicitous, ecstatic, rapturous, beatific

Dictionary May 20, 2023 May 20, 2023 adjective, beatific, ecstatic, felicitous, rapturous

Definitions of ‘blinding’ blinding (adjective) Synonyms: obscuring

Dictionary May 20, 2023 May 20, 2023 adjective, obscuring

Definitions of ‘blind’ blind (adjective) Synonyms: unseeing, sightless, purblind, oblivious, undiscriminating, inconsiderate, unmindful, unintelligible, illegible, obscure, intricate, involved blind (noun) […]

Dictionary May 20, 2023 May 20, 2023 adjective, blinder, blinker, curtain, feint sophistry, illegible, inconsiderate, intricate, involved, noun, oblivious, obscure, pretense, pretext, purblind, ruse, screen, shade, sightless, stratagem, subterfuge, undiscriminating, unintelligible, unmindful, unseeing

Definitions of ‘bleared’ bleared (adjective) Synonyms: rheumy

Dictionary May 20, 2023 May 20, 2023 adjective, rheumy

Definitions of ‘bleak’ bleak (adjective) Synonyms: windswept, cheerless, raw, penetrating, desolate, dreary

Dictionary May 20, 2023 May 20, 2023 adjective, cheerless, desolate, dreary, penetrating, raw, windswept

Definitions of ‘blazing’ blazing (adjective) Synonyms: flaming, ablaze, aflame Antonyms: smoldering

Dictionary May 19, 2023 May 19, 2023 ablaze, adjective, aflame, flaming

Definitions of ‘blatant’ blatant (adjective) Synonyms: brawling, clamorous, obstreperous, bawling braying

Dictionary May 19, 2023 May 19, 2023 adjective, bawling braying, brawling, clamorous, obstreperous

Definitions of ‘blank’ blank (adjective) Synonyms: void, empty, unfilled, expressionless, vacant, confounded, nonplused, astounded, unmitigated, absolute, downright

Dictionary May 19, 2023 May 19, 2023 absolute, adjective, astounded, confounded, downright, empty, expressionless, nonplused, unfilled, unmitigated, vacant, void

Definitions of ‘bland’ bland (adjective) Synonyms: suave, mollifying, affable, complaisant, soothing, emollient, demulsive, assuasive

Dictionary May 19, 2023 May 19, 2023 adjective, affable, assuasive, complaisant, demulsive, emollient, mollifying, soothing, suave

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adjective, affable, assuasive, complaisant, demulsive, emollient, mollifying, soothing, suave
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