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Definitions of ‘binding’ binding (noun) Synonyms: ligature, ligsation, astriction, constriction bandage, obligation, reestraint, restriction, galloon swaddling binding (adjective) Synonyms: astringent, […]

Dictionary May 17, 2023 May 17, 2023 adjective, astriction, astrictive, astringent, constriction bandage, galloon swaddling, ligature, ligsation, noun, obligation, obligatory, reestraint, restriction, valid

Definitions of ‘bigoted’ bigoted (adjective) Synonyms: dogmatic, narrow-minded, illiberal, intolerant

Dictionary May 17, 2023 May 17, 2023 adjective, dogmatic, illiberal, intolerant, narrow-minded

Definitions of ‘big-bellied’ big-bellied (adjective) Synonyms: abdominous, paunchy, pot-bellied

Dictionary May 17, 2023 May 17, 2023 abdominous, adjective, paunchy, pot-bellied

Definitions of ‘big’ big (adjective) Synonyms: large, huge, bulky, massive, immense, gross, voluminous, capacious, extensive, pregnant, arrogant, overbearing, lordly, magisterial, […]

Dictionary May 17, 2023 May 17, 2023 adjective, arrogant, bombastic, bulky, capacious, extensive, grandiloquent, grandiose, gross, highflown, huge, immense, inflated, large, lordly, magisterial, massive, overbearing, pompous, pregnant, sesquipedalian, turgid, voluminous

Definitions of ‘bibulous’ bibulous (adjective) Synonyms: absorbent, intemperate, cup-loving, bibacious

Dictionary May 17, 2023 May 17, 2023 absorbent, adjective, bibacious, cup-loving, intemperate

Definitions of ‘bewitching’ bewitching (adjective) Synonyms: enchanting, captivating, charming, irresistible

Dictionary May 17, 2023 May 17, 2023 adjective, captivating, charming, enchanting, irresistible

Definitions of ‘bewildering’ bewildering (adjective) Synonyms: perplexing, confusing, puzzling, mystifying

Dictionary May 16, 2023 May 16, 2023 adjective, confusing, mystifying, perplexing, puzzling

Definitions of ‘bewildered’ bewildered (adjective) Synonyms: perplexed, confused, mystified, nonplused, obfuscated

Dictionary May 16, 2023 May 16, 2023 adjective, confused, mystified, nonplused, obfuscated, perplexed

Definitions of ‘best’ best (adjective) Synonyms: supreme, consummate, superlative, crowning, incomparable, utmost

Dictionary May 16, 2023 May 16, 2023 adjective, consummate, crowning, incomparable, superlative, supreme, utmost

Definitions of ‘benumbed’ benumbed (adjective) Synonyms: torpid, unfeeling, stupefied

Dictionary May 15, 2023 May 15, 2023 adjective, stupefied, torpid, unfeeling

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adjective, stupefied, torpid, unfeeling
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