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Definitions of ‘unweighable’ unweighable (adjective) Synonyms: imponderable

Dictionary June 30, 2024 June 30, 2024 adjective, imponderable

Definitions of ‘unwholesome’ unwholesome (adjective) Synonyms: baneful, insalubrious See [[unhealthy]]

Dictionary June 30, 2024 June 30, 2024 adjective, baneful, insalubrious, unhealthy

Definitions of ‘unwieldy’ unwieldy (adjective) Synonyms: [[ponderous]], [[cumbersome]], [[clumsy]]

Dictionary June 30, 2024 June 30, 2024 adjective, clumsy, cumbersome, ponderous

Definitions of ‘unwilling’ unwilling (adjective) Synonyms: [[reluctant]], [[indisposed]], loath, disinclined, [[averse]]

Dictionary June 30, 2024 June 30, 2024 adjective, averse, disinclined, indisposed, loath, reluctant

Definitions of ‘unwise’ unwise (adjective) Synonyms: imprudent, injudicious, inexpedient, [[indiscreet]]

Dictionary June 30, 2024 June 30, 2024 adjective, imprudent, indiscreet, inexpedient, injudicious

Definitions of ‘unworthy’ unworthy (adjective) Synonyms: unmeritorious, [[undeserving]], [[despicable]], [[contemptible]]

Dictionary June 30, 2024 June 30, 2024 adjective, contemptible, despicable, undeserving, unmeritorious

Definitions of ‘unwritten’ unwritten (adjective) Synonyms: traditional

Dictionary June 30, 2024 June 30, 2024 adjective, traditional

Definitions of ‘unyielding’ unyielding (adjective) Synonyms: [[inflexible]], stiff, [[unbending]], incompliant, indomitable, insubmissive, [[tenacious]], [[unimpressible]], impliable, obdurate, intractable, [[game]], [[resolute]]

Dictionary June 30, 2024 June 30, 2024 adjective, game, impliable, incompliant, indomitable, inflexible, insubmissive, intractable, obdurate, resolute, stiff, tenacious, unbending, unimpressible

Definitions of ‘uphill’ uphill (adjective) Synonyms: ascending, acclivous, [[rising]]

Dictionary June 30, 2024 June 30, 2024 acclivous, adjective, ascending, rising

Definitions of ‘upright’ upright (adjective) Synonyms: [[erect]], [[perpendicular]], [[vertical]], [[honorable]], [[honest]]

Dictionary July 1, 2024 July 1, 2024 adjective, erect, honest, honorable, perpendicular, vertical

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adjective, erect, honest, honorable, perpendicular, vertical
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