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Definitions of ‘vacillating’ vacillating (adjective) Synonyms: [[irresolute]], [[changeable]], [[wavering]], [[undecided]], [[inconstant]]

Dictionary July 2, 2024 July 2, 2024 adjective, changeable, inconstant, irresolute, undecided, wavering

Definitions of ‘vagabond’ vagabond (noun) Synonyms: [[vagrant]], [[tramp]], [[mendicant]], [[beggar]], [[rascal]], [[rogue]], [[scamp]], [[knave]] vagabond (adjective) Synonyms: [[vagrant]], [[wandering]], [[nomadic]], […]

Dictionary July 2, 2024 July 2, 2024 adjective, beggar, knave, landloping, mendicant, nomadic, noun, rascal, rogue, scamp, tramp, vagrant, wandering

Definitions of ‘vagrant’ vagrant (noun) Synonyms: [[tramp]], [[beggar]], [[vagabond]], [[rascal]] vagrant (adjective) Synonyms: [[wandering]], [[nomadic]], [[vagabond]]

Dictionary July 2, 2024 July 2, 2024 adjective, beggar, nomadic, noun, rascal, tramp, vagabond, wandering

Definitions of ‘vague’ vague (adjective) Synonyms: [[indefinite]], [[ambiguous]], [[obscure]], [[uncertain]], [[groundless]], [[hazy]], indistinct

Dictionary July 2, 2024 July 2, 2024 adjective, ambiguous, groundless, hazy, indefinite, indistinct, obscure, uncertain

Definitions of ‘vain’ vain (adjective) Synonyms: [[conceited]], [[arrogant]], [[egotistical]], [[overweening]], [[vainglorious]], [[nugatory]], [[fruitless]], ineffectual, [[frustrate]], [[unavailing]], [[bootless]], [[futile]], [[abortive]], [[ineffective]], […]

Dictionary July 3, 2024 July 3, 2024 abortive, adjective, arrogant, bootless, chimerical, conceited, deceitful, delusive, egotistical, empty, fruitless, frustrate, futile, ineffective, ineffectual, nugatory, overweening, unavailing, unsatisfying, unsubstantial, vainglorious

Definitions of ‘vainglorious’ vainglorious (adjective) Synonyms: [[boastful]], pretentious, [[assuming]], [[arrogant]], [[conceited]], [[overweening]]

Dictionary July 3, 2024 July 3, 2024 adjective, arrogant, assuming, boastful, conceited, overweening, pretentious

Definitions of ‘valiant’ valiant (adjective) See [[brave]]

Dictionary July 3, 2024 July 3, 2024 adjective, brave

Definitions of ‘valid’ valid (adjective) Synonyms: [[cogent]], [[logical]], [[justifiable]], [[efficacious]], well-grounded Antonyms: See [[invalid]]

Dictionary July 3, 2024 July 3, 2024 adjective, cogent, efficacious, justifiable, logical, well-grounded

Definitions of ‘valuable’ valuable (adjective) Synonyms: [[costly]], [[precious]], [[rare]], [[expensive]], esteemed, [[worthy]], serviceable, [[useful]] valuable (noun) Synonyms: treasure

Dictionary July 3, 2024 July 3, 2024 adjective, costly, esteemed, expensive, noun, precious, rare, serviceable, treasure, useful, worthy

Definitions of ‘vanishing’ vanishing (adjective) Synonyms: evanescent, disappearing, [[transient]] vanishing (noun) Synonyms: [[disappearance]], evanescence

Dictionary July 3, 2024 July 3, 2024 adjective, disappearance, disappearing, evanescence, evanescent, noun, transient

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adjective, disappearance, disappearing, evanescence, evanescent, noun, transient
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