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Definitions of ‘vibratory’ vibratory (adjective) Synonyms: vibratile, oscillatory, [[swinging]], fluctuating, oscillating, libratory

Dictionary July 7, 2024 July 7, 2024 adjective, fluctuating, libratory, oscillating, oscillatory, swinging, vibratile

Definitions of ‘victorious’ victorious (adjective) Synonyms: [[triumphant]], conquering, [[successful]], [[exultant]]

Dictionary July 7, 2024 July 7, 2024 adjective, conquering, exultant, successful, triumphant

Definitions of ‘viewy’ viewy (adjective) Synonyms: [[visionary]], [[fanciful]], [[quixotic]], spectacular, panoramic, picturesque

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 adjective, fanciful, panoramic, picturesque, quixotic, spectacular, visionary

Definitions of ‘vigilant’ vigilant (adjective) Synonyms: [[watchful]], [[attentive]], circumspect, [[wakeful]]

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 adjective, attentive, circumspect, wakeful, watchful

Definitions of ‘vigorous’ vigorous (adjective) Synonyms: [[strong]], [[lusty]], [[robust]], [[energetic]], [[cogent]], [[forcible]], [[luxuriant]]

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 adjective, cogent, energetic, forcible, lusty, luxuriant, robust, strong

Definitions of ‘vile’ vile (adjective) Synonyms: [[base]], depraved, vicious, iniquitous, [[felonious]], [[atrocious]], [[outrageous]], [[shameless]], [[worthless]], [[mean]], [[despicable]], [[contemptible]], [[abject]], [[scurvy]], […]

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 abject, adjective, atrocious, base, contemptible, debased, depraved, despicable, felonious, ignoble, iniquitous, mean, miserable, outrageous, scurvy, shameless, sordid, vicious, worthless, wretched

Definitions of ‘villainous’ villainous (adjective) Synonyms: [[unprincipled]], [[knavish]], arrant, depraved, [[atrocious]]

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 adjective, arrant, atrocious, depraved, knavish, unprincipled

Definitions of ‘vindictive’ vindictive (adjective) Synonyms: [[revengeful]], [[implacable]], malevolent, [[rancorous]]

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 adjective, implacable, malevolent, rancorous, revengeful

Definitions of ‘vinegary’ vinegary (adjective) Synonyms: acetous, [[sour]], [[unamiable]]

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 acetous, adjective, sour, unamiable

Definitions of ‘violent’ violent (adjective) Synonyms: [[passionate]], [[vehement]], impetuous, [[fierce]], impotent, [[ungovernable]], [[outrageous]], [[poignant]], [[severe]] Antonyms: See [[mild]]

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 adjective, fierce, impetuous, impotent, outrageous, passionate, poignant, severe, ungovernable, vehement

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adjective, fierce, impetuous, impotent, outrageous, passionate, poignant, severe, ungovernable, vehement
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