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Definitions of ‘vulgar’ vulgar (adjective) Synonyms: unrefined, plebeian, [[ignoble]], low-born, [[coarse]], inelegant, [[ribald]], risque, [[broad]], [[gross]] Antonyms: [[refined]], [[dainty]], [[pure]], […]

Dictionary July 10, 2024 July 10, 2024 adjective, broad, coarse, gross, ignoble, inelegant, low-born, plebeian, ribald, risque, unrefined

Definitions of ‘vulgar-looking’ vulgar-looking (adjective) Synonyms: [[dowdy]]

Dictionary July 10, 2024 July 10, 2024 adjective, dowdy

Definitions of ‘waggish’ waggish (adjective) Synonyms: [[frolicsome]], facetious, [[roguish]], [[arch]], [[sportive]], [[prankish]]

Dictionary July 11, 2024 July 11, 2024 adjective, arch, facetious, frolicsome, prankish, roguish, sportive

Definitions of ‘wakeful’ wakeful (adjective) Synonyms: [[sleepless]], insomnolent, [[vigilant]], [[watchful]]

Dictionary July 11, 2024 July 11, 2024 adjective, insomnolent, sleepless, vigilant, watchful

Definitions of ‘wandering’ wandering (noun) Synonyms: [[rambling]], ranging, roving, [[strolling]], itineracy, peregrination, [[pilgrimage]], [[digression]], expatiation, [[departure]], [[deviation]], [[divergence]], errantry, [[aberration]], […]

Dictionary July 12, 2024 July 12, 2024 aberration, adjective, delirium, departure, deviating, deviation, devious, digression, digressive, divagation, divergence, errant, errantry, excursive, expatiation, irrationality, itineracy, itinerant, landloping, migratory, nomadic, noun, peregrination, pilgrimage, rambling, ranging, raving, roving, strolling, unsettled, vagabond, vagrant, wayfaring

Definitions of ‘wanting’ wanting (adjective) Synonyms: absent, [[lacking]], [[missing]], [[deficient]], defective, [[needy]], [[destitute]]

Dictionary July 12, 2024 July 12, 2024 absent, adjective, defective, deficient, destitute, lacking, missing, needy

Definitions of ‘wanton’ wanton (adjective) Synonyms: [[unrestrained]], uncontrolled, [[unchecked]], unbridled undisciplined, [[luxuriant]], [[rampant]], [[exuberant]], [[excessive]], [[rank]], [[dissolute]], [[licentious]], [[immoral]], [[unchaste]], […]

Dictionary July 12, 2024 July 12, 2024 adjective, dissolute, excessive, exuberant, frolicsome, heedless, immoral, inconsiderate, licentious, luxuriant, playful, rampant, rank, reckless, sportive, unbridled undisciplined, unchaste, unchecked, uncontrolled, unrestrained

Definitions of ‘warlike’ warlike (adjective) Synonyms: [[military]], [[martial]], [[belligerent]], [[bellicose]]

Dictionary July 13, 2024 July 13, 2024 adjective, bellicose, belligerent, martial, military

Definitions of ‘warm’ warm (adjective) Synonyms: [[lukewarm]], tepid, thermal, [[zealous]], [[ardent]], [[fervent]], sanguine, [[fervid]], [[glowing]], [[eager]], [[enthusiastic]], [[temperate]], [[genial]], irascible, […]

Dictionary July 13, 2024 July 13, 2024 adjective, animated, ardent, choleric, eager, enthusiastic, fervent, fervid, fiery, genial, glowing, heat, heated, incalescent, irascible, irritable, lukewarm, muggy, passionate, peppery, sanguine, spirited, sultry, temperate, tepid, thermal, vehement, verb, violent, zealous

Definitions of ‘warm-blooded’ warm-blooded (adjective) Synonyms: homothermous, homoiothermal

Dictionary July 13, 2024 July 13, 2024 adjective, homoiothermal, homothermous

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adjective, homoiothermal, homothermous
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