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Definitions of ‘wasteful’ wasteful (adjective) Synonyms: [[extravagant]], [[prodigal]], unthrifty, improvident infrugal, [[lavish]], [[thriftless]]

Dictionary July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 adjective, extravagant, improvident infrugal, lavish, prodigal, thriftless, unthrifty

Definitions of ‘watchful’ watchful (adjective) Synonyms: [[vigilant]], [[heedful]], [[attentive]], [[alert]], circumspect wary, Argus-eyed

Dictionary July 14, 2024 July 14, 2024 adjective, alert, argus-eyed, attentive, circumspect wary, heedful, vigilant

Definitions of ‘waterless’ waterless (adjective) Synonyms: anhydrous

Dictionary July 15, 2024 July 15, 2024 adjective, anhydrous

Definitions of ‘watery’ watery (adjective) Synonyms: aqueous, ichorous, serous, sanious

Dictionary July 15, 2024 July 15, 2024 adjective, aqueous, ichorous, sanious, serous

Definitions of ‘wavering’ wavering (adjective) Synonyms: [[vacillating]], fluctuating, oscillating, [[unstable]], [[irresolute]], [[uncertain]] wavering (noun) Synonyms: [[vacillation]], [[fluctuation]], [[indecision]], [[irresolution]], oscillation, […]

Dictionary July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 adjective, fluctuating, fluctuation, hesitancy, indecision, irresolute, irresolution, noun, oscillating, oscillation, uncertain, unstable, vacillating, vacillation

Definitions of ‘wavy’ wavy (adjective) Synonyms: undulatory, undulating, undulated

Dictionary July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 adjective, undulated, undulating, undulatory

Definitions of ‘waxy’ waxy (adjective) Synonyms: waxen, ceraceous, ceral, facile, [[pliable]], fictile, impressible, [[plastic]]

Dictionary July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 adjective, ceraceous, ceral, facile, fictile, impressible, plastic, pliable, waxen

Definitions of ‘wayfaring’ wayfaring (adjective) Synonyms: [[traveling]], [[passing]]

Dictionary July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 adjective, passing, traveling

Definitions of ‘wayward’ wayward (adjective) Synonyms: [[disobedient]], [[perverse]], [[froward]], [[willful]], intractable, [[headstrong]]

Dictionary July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 adjective, disobedient, froward, headstrong, intractable, perverse, willful

Definitions of ‘weak’ weak (adjective) Synonyms: [[feeble]], infirm, debilitated, weakly, [[fragile]], [[delicate]], [[invalid]], emasculated, enervated, vulnerable, assailable, [[unguarded]], unprotected, exposed, […]

Dictionary July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024 adjective, assailable, brittle, debilitated, defective, delicate, diluted, emasculated, enervated, errable, erring, exposed, fallible, feeble, flimsy, fragile, frail, gauzy, illogical, impotent, inconclusive, indiscreet, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, infirm, insipid, invalid, irresolute, lame, peccable, pliant, rickety, sleazy, slight, tender, thin, unguarded, unprotected, unsafe, unsatisfactory, unsound, unstable, unsubstantial, unsustained, vacillating, vapid, vulnerable, wavering, weakly

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adjective, assailable, brittle, debilitated, defective, delicate, diluted, emasculated, enervated, errable, erring, exposed, fallible, feeble, flimsy, fragile, frail, gauzy, illogical, impotent, inconclusive, indiscreet, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, infirm, insipid, invalid, irresolute, lame, peccable, pliant, rickety, sleazy, slight, tender, thin, unguarded, unprotected, unsafe, unsatisfactory, unsound, unstable, unsubstantial, unsustained, vacillating, vapid, vulnerable, wavering, weakly
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