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Definitions of ‘worrying’ worrying (adjective) Synonyms: [[anxious]], [[distressing]], [[carking]]

Dictionary July 25, 2024 July 25, 2024 adjective, anxious, carking, distressing

Definitions of ‘worthless’ worthless (adjective) Synonyms: valueless, good-for-nothing, [[futile]], [[trashy]], [[unworthy]], [[trumpery]], [[scurvy]], [[contemptible]]

Dictionary July 26, 2024 July 26, 2024 adjective, contemptible, futile, good-for-nothing, scurvy, trashy, trumpery, unworthy, valueless

Definitions of ‘worthy’ worthy (adjective) Synonyms: [[meritorious]], [[excellent]], [[estimable]], [[deserving]], reputable, exemplary, [[upright]]

Dictionary July 26, 2024 July 26, 2024 adjective, deserving, estimable, excellent, exemplary, meritorious, reputable, upright

Definitions of ‘would-be’ would-be (adjective) Synonyms: self-styled, soi-disant, presumptuous

Dictionary July 26, 2024 July 26, 2024 adjective, presumptuous, self-styled, soi-disant

Definitions of ‘wretched’ wretched (adjective) Synonyms: [[miserable]], [[unhappy]], [[contemptible]], [[abject]], [[despicable]], paltry

Dictionary July 26, 2024 July 26, 2024 abject, adjective, contemptible, despicable, miserable, paltry, unhappy

Definitions of ‘wrinkled’ wrinkled (adjective) Synonyms: corrugated, rumpled, puckered, cockled, creased, rugous

Dictionary July 26, 2024 July 26, 2024 adjective, cockled, corrugated, creased, puckered, rugous, rumpled

Definitions of ‘wrong’ wrong (adjective) Synonyms: [[immoral]], [[bad]], [[wicked]], [[sinful]], [[evil]], [[improper]], [[criminal]], vicious, [[unjust]], [[contraband]], wrongful, iniquitous, [[blameworthy]], reprehensible, […]

Dictionary July 27, 2024 July 27, 2024 abuse, adjective, adverb, amiss, bad, base, blameworthy, cheat, contraband, criminal, crooked, damnify, defraud, delinquency, dereliction, detriment, disservice, erroneous, erroneously, error, evil, false, falsity, grievance, guilt, immoral, immorality, improbity, improper, inaccurate, inappropriate, incorrect, inequity, inexact, iniquitous, iniquity, injury, injustice, malpractice, maltreat, mischief, misdemeanor, misdoing, mistaken, noun, obliquity, offense, oppression, peccancy, reprehensible, reverse, sin, sinful, sinister, tort, transgression, trespass, unjust, unsuitable, untrue, verb, vice, vicious, wicked, wrongful

Definitions of ‘wrong-timed’ wrong-timed (adjective) Synonyms: ill-timed, inopportune, [[unseasonable]]

Dictionary July 27, 2024 July 27, 2024 adjective, ill-timed, inopportune, unseasonable

Definitions of ‘wrought’ wrought (adjective) Synonyms: worked, elaborated, finished

Dictionary July 27, 2024 July 27, 2024 adjective, elaborated, finished, worked

Definitions of ‘wry’ wry (adjective) Synonyms: [[twisted]], distorted, [[awry]], wrested, perverted

Dictionary July 27, 2024 July 27, 2024 adjective, awry, distorted, perverted, twisted, wrested

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adjective, awry, distorted, perverted, twisted, wrested
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