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Hymen (Hy´men), the Grecian god of marriage, was either the son of [[Bacchus (mythology)]] and [[Venus (mythology)]], or, as some […]

Mythology May 21, 2024 May 21, 2024 Apollo, Bacchus, Hymen, Muses, myth, mythological character, mythology, Venus

Hyacinthus (Hyacin´thus) was a boy greatly loved by [[Apollo (mythology)]]; but he was accidentally slain by him with a quoit. […]

Mythology May 20, 2024 May 20, 2024 Apollo, Hyacinthus, myth, mythological character, mythology

Heliotrope (Hel´iotrope). [[Clytie (mythology)]] was turned into this flower by [[Apollo (mythology)]]. See [[Clytie (mythology)]].

Mythology May 15, 2024 May 15, 2024 Apollo, Clytie, Heliotrope, myth, mythological character, mythology

Eulalon (Eu´lalon), one of the names of [[Apollo (mythology)]].

Mythology April 30, 2024 April 30, 2024 Apollo, Eulalon, myth, mythological character, mythology

Ephialtes (Eph´ial´tes). A giant who lost his right eye in an encounter with [[Hercules (mythology)]], and the left eye was […]

Mythology April 28, 2024 April 28, 2024 Apollo, Ephialtes, Hercules, myth, mythological character, mythology

Diana (Di´ana), goddess of hunting and of chastity. She was the sister of [[Apollo (mythology)]], and daughter of [[Jupiter (mythology)]] […]

Mythology April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 Apollo, Diana, Dictynna, Hecate, Jupiter, Latona, Luna, myth, mythological character, mythology

Delphos (Del´phos), the place where the temple was built, from which the oracle of [[Apollo (mythology)]] was given.

Mythology April 20, 2024 April 20, 2024 Apollo, Delphos, myth, mythological character, mythology

Delphicus (Del´phicus). A name of [[Apollo (mythology)]], from [[Delphi (mythology)]].

Mythology April 20, 2024 April 20, 2024 Apollo, Delphi, Delphicus, myth, mythological character, mythology

Delphi (Del´phi). A town on Mount [[Parnassus (mythology)]], famous for its oracle, and for a temple of [[Apollo (mythology)]]. See […]

Mythology April 20, 2024 April 20, 2024 Apollo, Delphi, Delphos, myth, mythological character, mythology, Parnassus

Delius (De´lius), a name of [[Apollo (mythology)]], from the island in which he was born.

Mythology April 20, 2024 April 20, 2024 Apollo, Delius, myth, mythological character, mythology

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Apollo, Delius, myth, mythological character, mythology
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