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Definitions of ‘river’ river (noun) Associated words: potamology, potamography, riparian, riparious, fluvial, levee, wady, estuary, fluviatic, fluviatile, bayou, pothole, dredge, […]

Dictionary March 16, 2024 March 16, 2024 anadron, barrage, bayou, crevasse, dredge, embouchure, estuary, fluvial, fluviatic, fluviatile, fluvicoline, fluviograph, fluviometer, levee, noun, potamography, potamology, pothole, riparian, riparious, tributary, wady

Definitions of ‘rivulet’ rivulet (noun) Synonyms: [[rill]], [[creek]], streamlet, runnel, runlet, [[brook]], bourn

Dictionary March 16, 2024 March 16, 2024 bourn, brook, creek, noun, rill, runlet, runnel, streamlet

Definitions of ‘road’ road (noun) Synonyms: thoroughfare, avenue, highroad, highway, [[street]], lane, [[passage]], artery, roadstead, [[boulevard]], esplanade, turnpike, tramroad, causeway, […]

Dictionary March 16, 2024 March 16, 2024 anchorage, artery, avenue, boulevard, causeway, corduroy road, esplanade, highroad, highway, impasse, lane, noun, passage, roadstead, street, thoroughfare, tramroad, turnpike

Definitions of ‘roar’ roar (noun) Synonyms: bellow, bellowing roar (verb) Synonyms: bellow, [[boom]], [[peal]], [[resound]], [[thunder]]

Dictionary March 16, 2024 March 16, 2024 bellow, bellowing, boom, noun, peal, resound, thunder, verb

Definitions of ‘robber’ robber (noun) Synonyms: [[bandit]], [[brigand]], buccaneer, burglar, [[depredator]], despoiler, [[footpad]], filibuster, forager, desperado, corsair, [[freebooter]], [[highwayman]], picaroon, […]

Dictionary March 16, 2024 March 16, 2024 bandit, brigand, buccaneer, burglar, corsair, depredator, desperado, despoiler, filibuster, footpad, forager, freebooter, highwayman, ladrone, marauder, noun, picaroon, pillager, pirate, plunderer, raider, thief

Definitions of ‘robbery’ robbery (noun) Synonyms: larceny, [[burglary]], [[theft]], plundering, [[piracy]], [[peculation]], [[depredation]], brigandage, buccaneering, despoliation, [[loot]], [[sack]]

Dictionary March 17, 2024 March 17, 2024 brigandage, buccaneering, burglary, depredation, despoliation, larceny, loot, noun, peculation, piracy, plundering, sack, theft

Definitions of ‘robe’ robe (noun) Synonyms: [[gown]]

Dictionary March 17, 2024 March 17, 2024 gown, noun

Definitions of ‘rock’ rock (noun) Synonyms: bowlder, crag

Dictionary March 17, 2024 March 17, 2024 bowlder, crag, noun

Definitions of ‘rocking-horse’ rocking-horse (noun) Synonyms: cockhorse

Dictionary March 17, 2024 March 17, 2024 cockhorse, noun

Definitions of ‘rogue’ rogue (noun) Synonyms: [[knave]], miscreant, [[scamp]], [[rascal]], [[sharper]] See [[scoundrel]]

Dictionary March 17, 2024 March 17, 2024 knave, miscreant, noun, rascal, scamp, scoundrel, sharper

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knave, miscreant, noun, rascal, scamp, scoundrel, sharper
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