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Definitions of ‘sack’ sack (noun) Synonyms: [[bag]], [[pouch]], [[pillage]], [[plunder]], [[rapine]], [[havoc]], [[devastation]], spoliation sack (verb) Synonyms: [[devastate]], [[plunder]], [[pillage]], […]

Dictionary March 22, 2024 March 22, 2024 bag, despoil, devastate, devastation, havoc, loot, noun, pillage, plunder, pouch, rapine, ravage, spoliation, strip, verb

Definitions of ‘sacredness’ sacredness (noun) Synonyms: [[sanctity]], [[holiness]], inviolability, inviolableness

Dictionary March 22, 2024 March 22, 2024 holiness, inviolability, inviolableness, noun, sanctity

Definitions of ‘sacrifice’ sacrifice (noun) Synonyms: oblation, immolation, [[surrender]], [[loss]], giving up, holocaust, hecatomb sacrifice (verb) Synonyms: [[offer]], immolate, [[surrender]], […]

Dictionary March 22, 2024 March 22, 2024 Forego, give up, giving up, hecatomb, holocaust, immolate, immolation, loss, noun, oblation, offer, surrender, verb

Definitions of ‘sacrilege’ sacrilege (noun) Synonyms: [[desecration]], profanation, [[violation]]

Dictionary March 23, 2024 March 23, 2024 desecration, noun, profanation, violation

Definitions of ‘saddle’ saddle (noun) Associated words: [[pommel]], cantle, [[girth]], pillion, stirrup, saddle-tree, [[croup]], crutch, chapelet, tilpah, tapadero, housing, latigo, […]

Dictionary March 23, 2024 March 23, 2024 cantle, chapelet, croup, crutch, girth, holster, housing, latigo, mochila, noun, panel, pillion, pique, pommel, saddle-bow, saddle-tree, selliform, sinch, stirrup, tapadero, tilpah

Definitions of ‘sadness’ sadness (noun) Synonyms: [[melancholy]], pathos, [[sorrow]], gravity, soberness, [[seriousness]]

Dictionary March 23, 2024 March 23, 2024 gravity, melancholy, noun, pathos, seriousness, soberness, sorrow

Definitions of ‘safe-conduct’ safe-conduct (noun) Synonyms: [[convoy]], [[guard]], [[escort]], [[pass]], [[passport]]

Dictionary March 23, 2024 March 23, 2024 convoy, escort, guard, noun, pass, passport

Definitions of ‘safeguard’ safeguard (noun) Synonyms: [[defense]], [[security]], palladium, [[protection]], [[convoy]], [[guard]], [[passport]] safeguard (verb) Synonyms: [[guard]], [[defend]], [[protect]], [[shield]]

Dictionary March 23, 2024 March 23, 2024 convoy, defend, defense, guard, noun, palladium, passport, protect, protection, security, shield, verb

Definitions of ‘safekeeping’ safekeeping (noun) Synonyms: [[guardianship]], [[care]], [[custody]], [[charge]], preservation

Dictionary March 23, 2024 March 23, 2024 care, charge, custody, guardianship, noun, preservation

Definitions of ‘safety’ safety (noun) Synonyms: [[security]], [[custody]], immunity, exemption

Dictionary March 23, 2024 March 23, 2024 custody, exemption, immunity, noun, security

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custody, exemption, immunity, noun, security
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