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Definitions of ‘saloon’ saloon (noun) Synonyms: [[grogshop]], barroom, groggery, dramshop

Dictionary March 24, 2024 March 24, 2024 barroom, dramshop, groggery, grogshop, noun

Definitions of ‘salt’ salt (noun) Synonyms: chloride of sodium salt (noun) Synonyms: [[seasoning]], [[flavor]], savor, [[taste]], [[piquancy]], [[wit]], [[sense]], [[humor]], […]

Dictionary March 24, 2024 March 24, 2024 chloride of sodium, flavor, humor, noun, old sailor, piquancy, savor, seasoning, sense, taste, wit

Definitions of ‘saltness’ saltness (noun) Synonyms: salinity, salineness, saltiness

Dictionary March 24, 2024 March 24, 2024 noun, salineness, salinity, saltiness

Definitions of ‘saltpetre’ saltpetre (noun) Synonyms: potassium nitrate, nitre, nitrate of potash

Dictionary March 24, 2024 March 24, 2024 nitrate of potash, nitre, noun, potassium nitrate

Definitions of ‘salute’ salute (verb) Synonyms: [[address]], [[greet]], [[hail]], [[welcome]], [[accost]] salute (noun) Synonyms: salutation

Dictionary March 24, 2024 March 24, 2024 accost, address, greet, hail, noun, salutation, verb, welcome

Definitions of ‘salvation’ salvation (noun) Synonyms: [[redemption]] Associated words: soteriology

Dictionary March 24, 2024 March 24, 2024 noun, redemption, soteriology

Definitions of ‘salve’ salve (noun) Synonyms: [[ointment]], cerate, embrocation, emollient, [[balm]], unguent salve (verb) Synonyms: anoint, embrocate, [[heal]], [[remedy]], [[cure]]

Dictionary March 24, 2024 March 24, 2024 anoint, balm, cerate, cure, embrocate, embrocation, emollient, heal, noun, ointment, remedy, unguent, verb

Definitions of ‘sameness’ sameness (noun) Synonyms: identity, identicalness, [[similarity]], [[correspondence]], [[uniformity]], [[analogy]], parity, invariability, parallelism, [[monotony]], isomerism

Dictionary March 24, 2024 March 24, 2024 analogy, correspondence, identicalness, identity, invariability, isomerism, monotony, noun, parallelism, parity, similarity, uniformity

Definitions of ‘sample’ sample (noun) Synonyms: [[specimen]], [[example]], [[illustration]], exemplification, [[instance]], [[pattern]]

Dictionary March 24, 2024 March 24, 2024 example, exemplification, illustration, instance, noun, pattern, specimen

Definitions of ‘sanction’ sanction (noun) Synonyms: [[confirmation]], [[ratification]], authorization, [[penalty]], [[punishment]] sanction (verb) Synonyms: [[confirm]], [[ratify]], [[approve]], [[countenance]]

Dictionary March 24, 2024 March 24, 2024 approve, authorization, confirm, confirmation, countenance, noun, penalty, punishment, ratification, ratify, verb

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approve, authorization, confirm, confirmation, countenance, noun, penalty, punishment, ratification, ratify, verb
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