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Definitions of ‘scope’ scope (noun) Synonyms: [[design]], [[purpose]], opportunity, space, [[room]], [[liberty]], [[extent]], [[compass]], purview

Dictionary March 28, 2024 March 28, 2024 compass, design, extent, liberty, noun, opportunity, purpose, purview, room, space

Definitions of ‘score’ score (noun) Synonyms: [[tally]], [[account]], [[notch]], incision, [[motive]], [[account]], [[reason]], sake, [[consideration]], behalf, [[line]], [[groove]], [[twenty]] score […]

Dictionary March 28, 2024 March 28, 2024 account, behalf, consideration, cut, enter, groove, incision, line, motive, notch, noun, reason, record, sake, scratch, tally, twenty, verb

Definitions of ‘scorn’ scorn (noun) Synonyms: [[contempt]], [[disdain]], [[derision]], contumely, [[mockery]], [[slight]] scorn (verb) Synonyms: [[despise]], [[reject]], contemn, [[disregard]], [[scout]], […]

Dictionary March 28, 2024 March 28, 2024 contemn, contempt, contumely, derision, despise, disdain, disregard, mockery, noun, reject, scout, slight, spurn, verb

Definitions of ‘Scotch’ Scotch (noun) Synonyms: Gaelic

Dictionary March 28, 2024 March 28, 2024 Gaelic, noun

Definitions of ‘Scotchman’ Scotchman (noun) Synonyms: Scot, Scotsman, Caledonian, Gael, Celt

Dictionary March 28, 2024 March 28, 2024 Caledonian, Celt, Gael, noun, Scot, Scotsman

Definitions of ‘Scotland’ Scotland (noun) Synonyms: Scotia, Caledonia

Dictionary March 28, 2024 March 28, 2024 Caledonia, noun, Scotia

Definitions of ‘scoundrel’ scoundrel (noun) Synonyms: [[villain]], [[knave]], [[rascal]], [[scamp]], [[rogue]], caitiff, [[reprobate]], [[cheat]], swindler, [[libertine]], miscreant, bezonian, [[vagabond]], [[wretch]]

Dictionary March 28, 2024 March 28, 2024 bezonian, caitiff, cheat, knave, libertine, miscreant, noun, rascal, reprobate, rogue, scamp, swindler, vagabond, villain, wretch

Definitions of ‘scoundrelism’ scoundrelism (noun) Synonyms: [[villainy]], turpitude, [[knavery]], [[rascality]]

Dictionary March 28, 2024 March 28, 2024 knavery, noun, rascality, turpitude, villainy

Definitions of ‘scourge’ scourge (noun) Synonyms: [[affliction]], infliction, bane, [[punishment]]

Dictionary March 28, 2024 March 28, 2024 affliction, bane, infliction, noun, punishment

Definitions of ‘scout’ scout (verb) Synonyms: [[disdain]], [[flout]], contemn, [[scorn]], [[spurn]], [[scoff]], [[ridicule]] scout (noun) Synonyms: spy

Dictionary March 29, 2024 March 29, 2024 contemn, disdain, flout, noun, ridicule, scoff, scorn, spurn, spy, verb

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contemn, disdain, flout, noun, ridicule, scoff, scorn, spurn, spy, verb
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