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Definitions of ‘scowl’ scowl (verb) Synonyms: glower, [[frown]], [[lower]] scowl (noun) Synonyms: [[frown]]

Dictionary March 29, 2024 March 29, 2024 frown, glower, lower, noun, verb

Definitions of ‘scrap’ scrap (noun) Synonyms: [[bit]], [[fragment]], [[morsel]], crumb, excerpt, [[extract]] scrap (plural) Synonyms: cracklings

Dictionary March 29, 2024 March 29, 2024 bit, cracklings, crumb, excerpt, extract, fragment, morsel, noun, plural

Definitions of ‘scrapbook’ scrapbook (noun) Synonyms: commonplace book, album

Dictionary March 29, 2024 March 29, 2024 album, commonplace book, noun

Definitions of ‘scrape’ scrape (noun) Synonyms: [[difficulty]], predicament, [[dilemma]] scrape (verb) Synonyms: abrade, [[rasp]], grate, [[rub]], [[gather]], [[collect]], [[erase]], [[remove]]

Dictionary March 29, 2024 March 29, 2024 abrade, collect, difficulty, dilemma, erase, gather, grate, noun, predicament, rasp, remove, rub, verb

Definitions of ‘scraper’ scraper (noun) Synonyms: rasper

Dictionary March 29, 2024 March 29, 2024 noun, rasper

Definitions of ‘scrawl’ scrawl (noun) Synonyms: scribble

Dictionary March 29, 2024 March 29, 2024 noun, scribble

Definitions of ‘screak’ screak (noun) Synonyms: creaking, [[screech]], squeak screak (verb) Synonyms: [[screech]], creak, squeak

Dictionary March 29, 2024 March 29, 2024 creak, creaking, noun, screech, squeak, verb

Definitions of ‘scream’ scream (noun) Synonyms: [[shriek]], [[screech]], [[yell]], outcry

Dictionary March 29, 2024 March 29, 2024 noun, outcry, screech, shriek, yell

Definitions of ‘screech’ screech (noun) Synonyms: [[shriek]], [[scream]], [[screak]]

Dictionary March 29, 2024 March 29, 2024 noun, screak, scream, shriek

Definitions of ‘screed’ screed (noun) Synonyms: [[tirade]], [[diatribe]], [[harangue]]

Dictionary March 29, 2024 March 29, 2024 diatribe, harangue, noun, tirade

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diatribe, harangue, noun, tirade
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