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Definitions of ‘serenity’ serenity (noun) Synonyms: [[calmness]], [[composure]], tranquillity, cloudlessness, [[clearness]]

Dictionary April 5, 2024 April 5, 2024 calmness, clearness, cloudlessness, composure, noun, tranquillity

Definitions of ‘serf’ serf (noun) Synonyms: bondman, thrall, [[slave]], bond servant, villein

Dictionary April 6, 2024 April 6, 2024 bond servant, bondman, noun, slave, thrall, villein

Definitions of ‘serfdom’ serfdom (noun) Synonyms: thralldom, [[slavery]], [[subjection]], [[bondage]], [[servitude]]

Dictionary April 6, 2024 April 6, 2024 bondage, noun, servitude, slavery, subjection, thralldom

Definitions of ‘seriousness’ seriousness (noun) Synonyms: gravity Antonyms: [[levity]], frivolity, [[triviality]]

Dictionary April 6, 2024 April 6, 2024 gravity, noun

Definitions of ‘serpent’ serpent (noun) Synonyms: [[snake]], reptile, ophidian, basilisk, [[cockatrice]], amphisbæna Associated words: ophiology, ophiolatry, ophiophagous, ophiography, herpetology, ophidian, […]

Dictionary April 6, 2024 April 6, 2024 amphisbæna, anguiform, anguine, basilisk, cockatrice, Echidna, echidnine, fang, herpetologist, herpetology, herpetotomist, herpetotomy, noun, ophidian, ophiography, ophiolatry, ophiologic, ophiologist, ophiology, ophiomancy, ophiomorphous, ophiophagous, reptile, reptilian, serpentry, snake, uræus

Definitions of ‘servant’ servant (noun) Synonyms: [[dependent]], subaltern, subordinate, [[helper]], servitor, [[attendant]], retainer, [[domestic]], [[maid]], [[menial]], [[drudge]], valet, [[flunky]], [[groom]], […]

Dictionary April 6, 2024 April 6, 2024 attendant, butler, coistril, coolie, dependent, domestic, drudge, equerry, factotum, fag, flunky, groom, helper, lackey, maid, menial, noun, orderly, retainer, servitor, soubrette, subaltern, subordinate, underling, valet

Definitions of ‘service’ service (noun) Synonyms: [[labor]], employment, [[office]], [[duty]], [[business]], [[function]], [[ministry]], [[ritual]], [[ceremony]], [[rite]], [[advantage]], [[benefit]], avail, [[use]], […]

Dictionary April 6, 2024 April 6, 2024 advantage, avail, benefit, business, ceremony, duty, employment, function, homage, labor, ministry, noun, obeisance, office, rite, ritual, use, utility

Definitions of ‘servitude’ servitude (noun) Synonyms: [[bondage]], [[enslavement]]

Dictionary April 6, 2024 April 6, 2024 bondage, enslavement, noun

Definitions of ‘set’ set (verb) Synonyms: [[place]], put, fix, [[establish]], locate, [[station]], adjust, regulate, [[adapt]], [[oppose]], [[obstruct]], [[appoint]], [[assign]] set […]

Dictionary April 6, 2024 April 6, 2024 adapt, adjective, adjust, appoint, appointed, assign, band, circle, class, clique, company, coterie, establish, established, firm, fix, fixed, group, immovable, inflexible, locate, noun, obstinate, obstruct, oppose, ordained, party, place, prescribed, put, regular, regulate, rigid, station, uniform, unyielding, verb

Definitions of ‘set-off’ set-off (noun) Synonyms: [[offset]], counterclaim, [[equivalent]]

Dictionary April 6, 2024 April 6, 2024 counterclaim, equivalent, noun, offset

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