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Definitions of ‘sieve’ sieve (noun) Synonyms: [[strainer]], sifter, [[bolt]], bolter, [[riddle]], tammis, tammy

Dictionary April 14, 2024 April 14, 2024 bolt, bolter, noun, riddle, sifter, strainer, tammis, tammy

Definitions of ‘sigh’ sigh (noun) Synonyms: suspiration sigh (verb) Synonyms: suspire

Dictionary April 14, 2024 April 14, 2024 noun, suspiration, suspire, verb

Definitions of ‘sign’ sign (noun) Synonyms: [[omen]], auspice, portent, prodigy, prognostic, [[augury]], [[foretoken]], [[presage]], [[mark]], [[token]], [[indication]], [[symptom]], index, emblem, […]

Dictionary April 14, 2024 April 14, 2024 augurial, augury, auspice, beacon, betoken, emblem, ensign, foretoken, gesture, index, indicate, indication, mark, motion, noun, omen, ominous, portent, portentous, presage, prodigy, prognostic, sematology, semeiography, semeiological, semeiology, semiotic, signal, signature, signify, subscribe, symbol, symptom, token, trace, verb, vestige

Definitions of ‘signal’ signal (noun) Synonyms: [[sign]], ensign, [[beacon]] Associated words: pharology signal (adjective) Synonyms: memorable, [[remarkable]], [[noticeable]], [[notable]]

Dictionary April 14, 2024 April 14, 2024 adjective, beacon, ensign, memorable, notable, noticeable, noun, pharology, remarkable, sign

Definitions of ‘signature’ signature (noun) Synonyms: autograph, sign-manual Associated words: signatory

Dictionary April 14, 2024 April 14, 2024 autograph, noun, sign-manual, signatory

Definitions of ‘signer’ signer (noun) Synonyms: subscriber, signatory

Dictionary April 14, 2024 April 14, 2024 noun, signatory, subscriber

Definitions of ‘significance’ significance (noun) Synonyms: [[meaning]], import, [[consequence]], [[importance]], [[force]]

Dictionary April 14, 2024 April 14, 2024 consequence, force, import, importance, meaning, noun

Definitions of ‘signification’ signification (noun) Synonyms: [[meaning]], import, acceptation, [[sense]]

Dictionary April 14, 2024 April 14, 2024 acceptation, import, meaning, noun, sense

Definitions of ‘silence’ silence (noun) Synonyms: stillness, [[quietness]], taciturnity, muteness, [[reserve]], [[secrecy]] silence (verb) Synonyms: [[still]], [[hush]], [[quiet]], [[suppress]], [[lull]], […]

Dictionary April 14, 2024 April 14, 2024 appease, hush, lull, muteness, noun, quell, quiet, quietness, reserve, secrecy, still, stillness, suppress, taciturnity, verb

Definitions of ‘sill’ sill (noun) Synonyms: [[threshold]], window sill

Dictionary April 15, 2024 April 15, 2024 noun, threshold, window sill

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noun, threshold, window sill
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