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Definitions of ‘snare’ snare (noun) Synonyms: [[catch]], [[wile]], [[trap]], [[gin]], [[lure]], [[decoy]], trapan, toils

Dictionary April 23, 2024 April 23, 2024 catch, decoy, gin, lure, noun, toils, trap, trapan, wile

Definitions of ‘snarl’ snarl (verb) Synonyms: [[entangle]], complicate, involve, [[knot]], [[confuse]], enmesh, [[insnare]], [[growl]], gnarl Antonyms: disentangle, [[unravel]], extricate snarl […]

Dictionary April 23, 2024 April 23, 2024 complicate, complication, confuse, confusion, enmesh, entangle, entanglement, gnarl, growl, insnare, intricacy, involve, knot, noun, verb

Definitions of ‘snarler’ snarler (noun) Synonyms: [[growler]], [[grumbler]], [[fault-finder]], cynic

Dictionary April 23, 2024 April 23, 2024 cynic, fault-finder, growler, grumbler, noun

Definitions of ‘sneer’ sneer (verb) Synonyms: [[mock]], [[gibe]], [[scoff]], [[flout]], [[jeer]], [[deride]], [[ridicule]], [[scout]] sneer (noun) Synonyms: [[gibe]], [[scoff]], [[jeer]], […]

Dictionary April 23, 2024 April 23, 2024 deride, derision, flout, gibe, gird, jeer, mock, noun, ridicule, scoff, scout, verb

Definitions of ‘sneezing’ sneezing (noun) Synonyms: sternutation Associated words: sternutative, sternutatory

Dictionary April 23, 2024 April 23, 2024 noun, sternutation, sternutative, sternutatory

Definitions of ‘snicker’ snicker (noun) Synonyms: [[giggle]], titter, snigger

Dictionary April 23, 2024 April 23, 2024 giggle, noun, snigger, titter

Definitions of ‘sniff’ sniff (verb) Synonyms: [[snuff]], [[scent]], [[smell]] sniff (noun) Synonyms: [[snuff]], [[breath]]

Dictionary April 23, 2024 April 23, 2024 breath, noun, scent, smell, snuff, verb

Definitions of ‘snivel’ snivel (noun) Synonyms: [[mucus]], snot

Dictionary April 23, 2024 April 23, 2024 mucus, noun, snot

Definitions of ‘snob’ snob (noun) Synonyms: [[upstart]], pretender, parvenu, rat, knobstick

Dictionary April 23, 2024 April 23, 2024 knobstick, noun, parvenu, pretender, rat, upstart

Definitions of ‘snoring’ snoring (noun) Associated words: stertorous

Dictionary April 24, 2024 April 24, 2024 noun, stertorous

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