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Definitions of ‘speck’ speck (noun) Synonyms: [[spot]], [[stain]], [[atom]], [[mite]], [[particle]], [[bit]]

Dictionary April 29, 2024 April 29, 2024 atom, bit, mite, noun, particle, spot, stain

Definitions of ‘spectacle’ spectacle (noun) Synonyms: [[scene]], sight, [[show]], [[exhibition]], pageant

Dictionary April 29, 2024 April 29, 2024 exhibition, noun, pageant, scene, show, sight

Definitions of ‘spectator’ spectator (noun) Synonyms: [[beholder]], [[witness]], [[bystander]], [[onlooker]], observer

Dictionary April 29, 2024 April 29, 2024 beholder, bystander, noun, observer, onlooker, witness

Definitions of ‘specter’ specter (noun) Synonyms: [[phantom]], [[apparition]], [[shade]], [[ghost]], manes, [[spirit]], wraith, [[spook]]

Dictionary April 29, 2024 April 29, 2024 apparition, ghost, manes, noun, phantom, shade, spirit, spook, wraith

Definitions of ‘speculation’ speculation (noun) Synonyms: [[theory]], [[supposition]], [[conjecture]], contemplation, [[thought]]

Dictionary April 30, 2024 April 30, 2024 conjecture, contemplation, noun, supposition, theory, thought

Definitions of ‘speechlessness’ speechlessness (noun) Synonyms: [[dumbness]], muteness, obmutescence, taciturnity, aphasia

Dictionary April 30, 2024 April 30, 2024 aphasia, Dumbness, muteness, noun, obmutescence, taciturnity

Definitions of ‘speed’ speed (noun) Synonyms: velocity, [[swiftness]], [[rapidity]], celerity, [[haste]], expedition, [[dispatch]], posthaste, impetuosity Associated words: tachymeter, tachometer, trechometer, […]

Dictionary April 30, 2024 April 30, 2024 accelerate, celerity, dispatch, expedite, expedition, facilitate, favor, haste, hasten, hurry, impetuosity, impetus, momentum, noun, posthaste, prosper, quicken, rapidity, stathmograph, swiftness, tachometer, tachymeter, trechometer, velocity, verb

Definitions of ‘spell’ spell (noun) Synonyms: [[charm]], incantation, exorcism, [[period]], [[season]], interval spell (verb) Synonyms: orthographize, decipher, [[read]], [[unravel]], [[unfold]], […]

Dictionary April 30, 2024 April 30, 2024 bewitch, charm, decipher, exorcism, incantation, interval, noun, orthographize, period, read, season, unfold, unravel, verb

Definitions of ‘speller’ speller (noun) Synonyms: orthographist, orthographer

Dictionary April 30, 2024 April 30, 2024 noun, orthographer, orthographist

Definitions of ‘spelling’ spelling (noun) Synonyms: orthography Associated words: orthographic, phonetic, glossic, nomic, homographic, homography, homograph, heterographic, heterography, cacographic, cacography

Dictionary April 30, 2024 April 30, 2024 cacographic, cacography, glossic, heterographic, heterography, homograph, homographic, homography, nomic, noun, orthographic, orthography, phonetic

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cacographic, cacography, glossic, heterographic, heterography, homograph, homographic, homography, nomic, noun, orthographic, orthography, phonetic
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