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Definitions of ‘spice’ spice (noun) Synonyms: condiment, [[piquancy]], pungency

Dictionary April 30, 2024 April 30, 2024 condiment, noun, piquancy, pungency

Definitions of ‘spider’ spider (noun) Synonyms: araneidan, scorpion, tarantula spider (plural) Synonyms: Araneina, Arachnida Associated words: arachnology, arachnologist, araneidan, araneiform, […]

Dictionary April 30, 2024 April 30, 2024 arachnean, Arachnida, arachnidium, arachnoid, arachnologist, arachnology, arachnophagous, araneidan, araneiform, Araneina, cobweb, cocoon, falcer, noun, plural, retiary, scorpion, spinneret, tarantula, web

Definitions of ‘spigot’ spigot (noun) Synonyms: [[stopper]], [[plug]], stopple

Dictionary May 1, 2024 May 1, 2024 noun, plug, stopper, stopple

Definitions of ‘spinach’ spinach (noun) Associated words: spinaceous

Dictionary May 1, 2024 May 1, 2024 noun, spinaceous

Definitions of ‘spine’ spine (noun) Synonyms: [[backbone]], spinal column, rachis, chine Associated words: Vertebrata, Invertebrata, vertebra, vertebrate, cyrtosis, chiropractic, chiropractor, […]

Dictionary May 1, 2024 May 1, 2024 backbone, chine, chiropractic, chiropractor, coccyx, cyrtosis, ependyma, ependymis, Invertebrata, noun, rachis, rickets, spinal column, spondyle, vertebra, Vertebrata, vertebrate

Definitions of ‘spinet’ spinet (noun) Synonyms: virginal, clarichord

Dictionary May 1, 2024 May 1, 2024 clarichord, noun, virginal

Definitions of ‘spinning’ spinning (noun) Synonyms: [[whirling]], twirling

Dictionary May 1, 2024 May 1, 2024 noun, twirling, whirling

Definitions of ‘spire’ spire (noun) Synonyms: [[steeple]], [[shoot]], [[stalk]], blade, [[spear]], [[top]], [[peak]], [[summit]]

Dictionary May 1, 2024 May 1, 2024 blade, noun, peak, shoot, spear, stalk, steeple, summit, top

Definitions of ‘spirit’ spirit (noun) Synonyms: [[soul]], [[shade]], [[apparition]], [[specter]], [[ghost]], [[phantom]], revenant, [[animus]], vivacity, [[energy]], [[life]], [[ardor]], [[enthusiasm]], [[zeal]], […]

Dictionary May 1, 2024 May 1, 2024 abduct, animate, animus, apparition, ardor, carry off, encourage, energy, enthusiasm, force, ghost, inspirit, intensity, intent, kidnap, life, manes, meaning, mood, noun, phantom, plural, revenant, shade, significance, soul, specter, spirit away, temper, verb, vivacity, zeal

Definitions of ‘spit’ spit (verb) Synonyms: expectorate, spawl, sputter, [[eject]] spit (noun) Synonyms: spittle, sputum, [[saliva]] Associated words: salivary, salivous, […]

Dictionary May 1, 2024 May 1, 2024 eject, expectorate, noun, ptyalin, saliva, salivant, salivary, salivate, salivation, salivous, spawl, spittle, sputter, sputum, verb

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eject, expectorate, noun, ptyalin, saliva, salivant, salivary, salivate, salivation, salivous, spawl, spittle, sputter, sputum, verb
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