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Definitions of ‘star’ star (noun) Synonyms: luminary, planet, asterisk, asterism, pentalpha, pentacle, [[meteor]] Associated words: astronomy, astronomer, astronomical, astrolatry, astrolater, […]

Dictionary May 6, 2024 May 6, 2024 acronycal, asterisk, asterism, astral, astrogeny, astrolater, astrolatry, astrologer, astrological, astrology, astromancy, astrometry, astronomer, astronomical, astronomy, astrophotography, astrophysics, bespangle, constellation, cosmical, galaxy, horoscope, intersidereal, interstellar, luminary, meteor, noun, observatory, orbit, pentacle, pentalpha, periastral, planet, sidereal, stellar, verb, zodiac

Definitions of ‘starvation’ starvation (noun) Synonyms: famishment

Dictionary May 7, 2024 May 7, 2024 famishment, noun

Definitions of ‘state’ state (noun) Synonyms: [[condition]], [[plight]], [[category]], [[situation]], [[pass]], predicament, circumstances, [[rank]], [[quality]], [[pomp]], [[grandeur]], [[magnificence]], commonwealth, canton […]

Dictionary May 7, 2024 May 7, 2024 affirm, allege, assert, aver, canton, category, circumstances, commonwealth, condition, confederate, confederation, declare, federal, federalism, federalist, federalize, gerrymander, grandeur, magnificence, noun, pass, plight, pomp, predicament, quality, rank, say, secession, situation, specify, verb

Definitions of ‘statehouse’ statehouse (noun) Synonyms: capitol

Dictionary May 7, 2024 May 7, 2024 capitol, noun

Definitions of ‘statement’ statement (noun) Synonyms: [[assertion]], [[affirmation]], specification, avowal, averment, [[narration]], dictum

Dictionary May 7, 2024 May 7, 2024 affirmation, assertion, averment, avowal, dictum, narration, noun, specification

Definitions of ‘station’ station (noun) Synonyms: [[standing]], [[rank]], [[status]], [[depot]], [[situation]], [[place]]

Dictionary May 7, 2024 May 7, 2024 depot, noun, place, rank, situation, standing, status

Definitions of ‘statue’ statue (noun) Synonyms: [[image]], acrolith, caryatid, xoanon Associated words: [[sculpture]], statuary, sculptor, statuesque, figurine, esquisse

Dictionary May 7, 2024 May 7, 2024 acrolith, caryatid, esquisse, figurine, image, noun, sculptor, sculpture, statuary, statuesque, xoanon

Definitions of ‘status’ status (noun) Synonyms: [[standing]], [[rank]], [[station]], [[condition]]

Dictionary May 7, 2024 May 7, 2024 condition, noun, rank, standing, station

Definitions of ‘statute’ statute (noun) Synonyms: [[law]] Associated words: statutable, statutory, purview

Dictionary May 7, 2024 May 7, 2024 law, noun, purview, statutable, statutory

Definitions of ‘stay’ stay (verb) Synonyms: sojourn, tarry, lodge, [[remain]], continue, [[abide]], [[support]], [[prop]], [[buttress]], [[brace]], [[uphold]], [[strengthen]], [[delay]], [[obstruct]], […]

Dictionary May 7, 2024 May 7, 2024 abidance, abide, appease, brace, buttress, continue, delay, dependence, forbear, hinder, hindrance, impede, impediment, lodge, noun, obstruct, obstruction, prop, remain, restrain, restraint, retard, sojourn, stop, strengthen, support, tarry, uphold, upholder, verb, withhold, withstand

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abidance, abide, appease, brace, buttress, continue, delay, dependence, forbear, hinder, hindrance, impede, impediment, lodge, noun, obstruct, obstruction, prop, remain, restrain, restraint, retard, sojourn, stop, strengthen, support, tarry, uphold, upholder, verb, withhold, withstand
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