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Definitions of ‘stepmother’ stepmother (noun) Associated words: novercal

Dictionary May 8, 2024 May 8, 2024 noun, novercal

Definitions of ‘sternness’ sternness (noun) Synonyms: austerity, [[severity]], [[rigor]], strictness

Dictionary May 8, 2024 May 8, 2024 austerity, noun, rigor, severity, strictness

Definitions of ‘steward’ steward (noun) Synonyms: [[purveyor]], major-domo, seneschal, dapifer, manciple

Dictionary May 8, 2024 May 8, 2024 dapifer, major-domo, manciple, noun, purveyor, seneschal

Definitions of ‘stewpan’ stewpan (noun) Synonyms: skillet

Dictionary May 8, 2024 May 8, 2024 noun, skillet

Definitions of ‘stick’ stick (noun) Synonyms: [[switch]], rod, birch, billet, fagot, [[wand]], cane, [[staff]], walking-stick, [[club]], [[cudgel]], [[goad]], [[gad]], gambrel, […]

Dictionary May 8, 2024 May 8, 2024 batlet, billet, birch, boomerang, cane, chatwood, club, cudgel, fagot, ferule, gad, gambrel, garrot, goad, maul-stick, noun, plural, rod, skewer, sprag, stab, staff, stake, switch, thrust, walking-stick, wand, woomerah

Definitions of ‘stickiness’ stickiness (noun) Synonyms: adhesiveness, viscosity, [[tenacity]], cohesiveness, glutinousness

Dictionary May 8, 2024 May 8, 2024 adhesiveness, cohesiveness, glutinousness, noun, tenacity, viscosity

Definitions of ‘sticking’ sticking (noun) Synonyms: adhesion, adherence, coherence, cleaving, cohesion, agglutination

Dictionary May 8, 2024 May 8, 2024 adherence, adhesion, agglutination, cleaving, coherence, cohesion, noun
Sticking out

Definitions of ‘sticking out’ Synonyms: projecting, protruding, [[prominent]] sticking out (noun) Synonyms: projection, protrusion, prominence

Dictionary May 8, 2024 May 8, 2024 noun, projecting, projection, prominence, prominent, protruding, protrusion

Definitions of ‘stickler’ stickler (noun) Synonyms: [[haggler]], higgler, contender

Dictionary May 9, 2024 May 9, 2024 contender, haggler, higgler, noun

Definitions of ‘stiffness’ stiffness (noun) Synonyms: [[inflexibility]], [[rigidity]], firmness, prudery, [[constraint]], [[precision]], [[formality]], tension Antonyms: [[pliability]], limpness, [[flexibility]], flaccidity, [[ease]], […]

Dictionary May 9, 2024 May 9, 2024 constraint, firmness, formality, inflexibility, noun, precision, prudery, rigidity, tension

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constraint, firmness, formality, inflexibility, noun, precision, prudery, rigidity, tension
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