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Definitions of ‘strap’ strap (noun) Synonyms: thong, strop, leash

Dictionary May 11, 2024 May 11, 2024 leash, noun, strop, thong

Definitions of ‘stratagem’ stratagem (noun) Synonyms: [[artifice]], [[device]], machination, [[maneuver]], [[intrigue]], [[ruse]], [[finesse]]

Dictionary May 11, 2024 May 11, 2024 artifice, device, finesse, intrigue, machination, maneuver, noun, ruse

Definitions of ‘straw’ straw (noun) Synonyms: [[stalk]], culm, [[litter]], mulch, sennet, platting

Dictionary May 11, 2024 May 11, 2024 culm, litter, mulch, noun, platting, sennet, stalk

Definitions of ‘stray’ stray (verb) Synonyms: [[wander]], [[rove]], [[roam]], [[swerve]], [[deviate]], [[err]], [[sin]] stray (noun) Synonyms: estray, [[waif]]

Dictionary May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 deviate, err, estray, noun, roam, rove, sin, swerve, verb, waif, wander

Definitions of ‘streak’ streak (noun) Synonyms: [[stripe]], wale, whelk, [[ridge]], [[vein]]

Dictionary May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 noun, ridge, stripe, vein, wale, whelk

Definitions of ‘stream’ stream (noun) Synonyms: [[current]], [[river]], [[creek]], [[brook]], [[race]], [[run]], [[rivulet]], [[rill]], runnel, [[drift]], [[course]], [[tendency]], torrent, arroyo, […]

Dictionary May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 arroyo, brook, course, creek, current, drift, flume, gush, noun, pour, race, radiate, rill, river, rivulet, run, runnel, shed, tendency, torrent, verb

Definitions of ‘streamer’ streamer (noun) Synonyms: ensign, pennon, [[banner]], banderole, [[flag]]

Dictionary May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 banderole, banner, ensign, flag, noun, pennon

Definitions of ‘street’ street (noun) Synonyms: highway, avenue, thoroughfare, [[boulevard]]

Dictionary May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 avenue, boulevard, highway, noun, thoroughfare

Definitions of ‘strength’ strength (noun) Synonyms: [[force]], [[vigor]], [[power]], [[might]], [[hardihood]], potency, puissance, [[stamina]], [[tenacity]], toughness, durability, impregnability, invincibility, [[security]], […]

Dictionary May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 brawniness, cogency, conclusiveness, durability, efficacy, force, fortitude, hardihood, impetuosity, impregnability, intensity, invincibility, lustiness, might, muscularity, noun, potency, power, puissance, robustness, security, stamina, stay, stoutness, sturdiness, support, tenacity, thew, toughness, validity, vehemence, vigor, violence, virility, vividness

Definitions of ‘strenuousness’ strenuousness (noun) Synonyms: [[zeal]], [[ardor]], intrepidity, [[earnestness]], strenuosity, [[activity]], [[energy]]

Dictionary May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 activity, ardor, earnestness, energy, intrepidity, noun, strenuosity, zeal

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activity, ardor, earnestness, energy, intrepidity, noun, strenuosity, zeal
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