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Definitions of ‘tailor’ tailor (noun) Associated words: sartorial

Dictionary May 22, 2024 May 22, 2024 noun, sartorial

Definitions of ‘tailpiece’ tailpiece (noun) Synonyms: [[appendage]]

Dictionary May 22, 2024 May 22, 2024 appendage, noun

Definitions of ‘taint’ taint (verb) Synonyms: imbue, [[impregnate]], [[corrupt]], infect, [[vitiate]], sully, besmirch, discolor, [[contaminate]] taint (noun) Synonyms: [[infection]], [[contamination]], […]

Dictionary May 22, 2024 May 22, 2024 besmirch, contaminate, contamination, corrupt, defilement, discolor, imbue, impregnate, infect, infection, noun, pollution, sully, verb, vitiate, vitiation

Definitions of ‘take-off’ take-off (noun) Synonyms: [[caricature]], [[burlesque]], [[travesty]], parody

Dictionary May 23, 2024 May 23, 2024 burlesque, caricature, noun, parody, travesty

Definitions of ‘taking’ taking (adjective) Synonyms: [[alluring]], [[fascinating]], [[winning]], [[charming]], [[captivating]] taking (noun) Synonyms: [[seizure]], [[apprehension]], reprisal, prehension

Dictionary May 23, 2024 May 23, 2024 adjective, alluring, apprehension, captivating, charming, fascinating, noun, prehension, reprisal, seizure, winning

Definitions of ‘tale-bearer’ tale-bearer (noun) Synonyms: scandal-monger, busybody, quidnunc, [[tattler]], [[telltale]], tabby, [[gossip]]

Dictionary May 23, 2024 May 23, 2024 busybody, gossip, noun, quidnunc, scandal-monger, tabby, tattler, telltale

Definitions of ‘talent’ talent (noun) Synonyms: [[endowment]], [[faculty]], [[gift]], forte, [[knack]], genius

Dictionary May 23, 2024 May 23, 2024 endowment, faculty, forte, genius, gift, knack, noun

Definitions of ‘talk’ talk (verb) Synonyms: [[speak]], [[converse]], confer, confabulate, consult, [[babble]], prattle, [[prate]], chatter, [[gabble]], gibber, blather, [[expatiate]], descant, […]

Dictionary May 23, 2024 May 23, 2024 asteistn, babble, badinage, banter, blandishment, blarney, blather, buncombe, causerie, chaff, chat, chatter, chit chat, colloquy, comment, confab, confabulate, confabulation, confer, conference, consult, conversation, converse, descant, dialogue, expatiate, expatiation, flattery, flummery, fustian, gabble, gibber, gibberish, grandiloquence, hanky-panky, harp, interlocution, jabbering, jargon, monologue, moonshine, noun, palaver, parlance, parley, persiflage, prate, prattle, raillery, rant, rhapsody, soliloquy, speak, twaddle, verb

Definitions of ‘talkativeness’ talkativeness (noun) Synonyms: garrulity, [[loquacity]], communicativeness multiloquence Antonyms: [[reserve]], [[reticence]], taciturnity

Dictionary May 23, 2024 May 23, 2024 communicativeness multiloquence, garrulity, loquacity, noun

Definitions of ‘talker’ talker (noun) Synonyms: conversationalist, interlocutor, chatterer, babler, magpie, chatterbox

Dictionary May 23, 2024 May 23, 2024 babler, chatterbox, chatterer, conversationalist, interlocutor, magpie, noun

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babler, chatterbox, chatterer, conversationalist, interlocutor, magpie, noun
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