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Definitions of ‘thicket’ thicket (noun) Synonyms: shrubbery, [[copse]], chaparral, grove, boscage, bosk, spinny, [[coppice]]

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 boscage, bosk, chaparral, coppice, copse, grove, noun, shrubbery, spinny

Definitions of ‘thicklip’ thicklip (noun) Synonyms: blobberlip

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 blobberlip, noun

Definitions of ‘thickness’ thickness (noun) Synonyms: denseness, density, compactness, grossness, crassitude, consistence, intimacy Associated words: pachometer, pachymeter

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 compactness, consistence, crassitude, denseness, density, grossness, intimacy, noun, pachometer, pachymeter

Definitions of ‘thief’ thief (noun) Synonyms: [[robber]], pilferer, filcher, [[peculator]], [[embezzler]], [[defaulter]], [[peculator]], plagiarist, poacher, shoplifter, kleptomaniac

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 defaulter, embezzler, filcher, kleptomaniac, noun, peculator, pilferer, plagiarist, poacher, robber, shoplifter

Definitions of ‘thievery’ thievery (noun) Synonyms: [[theft]], larceny, [[embezzlement]], [[peculation]], shoplifting

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 embezzlement, larceny, noun, peculation, shoplifting, theft

Definitions of ‘thing’ thing (noun) Synonyms: [[object]], [[article]]

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 article, noun, object

Definitions of ‘thinking’ thinking (adjective) Synonyms: [[rational]], [[pensive]], reflective, contemplative, cogitative, introspective thinking (noun) Synonyms: cogitation, [[meditation]], contemplation, [[thought]]

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 adjective, cogitation, cogitative, contemplation, contemplative, introspective, meditation, noun, pensive, rational, reflective, thought

Definitions of ‘thinness’ thinness (noun) Synonyms: emaciation, slenderness, gauntness, spareness, meagerness, tenuity, [[delicacy]], fineness, incompactness, rarity, [[subtilty]], subtilization, inadequacy, sparseness, […]

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 delicacy, emaciation, fineness, gauntness, inadequacy, incompactness, meagerness, noun, rarity, scantiness, slenderness, spareness, sparseness, subtilization, subtilty, tenuity

Definitions of ‘thinning’ thinning (noun) Synonyms: [[dilution]], [[reduction]], attenuation, rarefaction, subtilization Associated words: attenuant, diluent

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 attenuant, attenuation, diluent, dilution, noun, rarefaction, reduction, subtilization

Definitions of ‘thirst’ thirst (noun) Synonyms: [[dryness]], [[aridity]], [[drought]] Antonyms: adipsy Associated words: [[slake]], [[quench]], dipsetic, adipsous

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 adipsous, aridity, dipsetic, drought, dryness, noun, quench, slake

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adipsous, aridity, dipsetic, drought, dryness, noun, quench, slake
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