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Liber Pater

Liber Pater (Li´ber Pa´ter). A name of [[Bacchus (mythology)]].

Mythology June 3, 2024 June 3, 2024 Bacchus, Liber Pater, myth, mythological character, mythology
Liberal Arts

Liberal Arts see [[Minerva (mythology)]].

Mythology June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 Liberal Arts, Minerva, myth, mythological character, mythology

Liakura (Liak´ura). Mount [[Parnassus (mythology)]].

Mythology June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 Liakura, myth, mythological character, mythology, Parnassus

Level, The see [[Daedalus (mythology)]].

Mythology June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 Daedalus, level, myth, mythological character, mythology

Levana (Leva´na). The deity who presided over new-born infants.

Mythology June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 Levana, myth, mythological character, mythology

Leucothea (Leucoth´ea). The name of [[Ino (mythology)]] after she was transformed into a sea nymph.

Mythology June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 Ino, Leucothea, myth, mythological character, mythology

Lethe (Le´the). One of the rivers of the infernal regions, of which the souls of the departed are obliged to […]

Mythology June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 Lethe, myth, mythological character, mythology

Lerna (Ler´na). The lake or swamp near Argos where [[Hercules (mythology)]] conquered the Lernaean [[Hydra (mythology)]].

Mythology June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 Hercules, Hydra, Lerna, myth, mythological character, mythology

Lenaeus (Lenae´us). One of the names of [[Bacchus (mythology)]].

Mythology June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 Bacchus, Lenaeus, myth, mythological character, mythology

Lemures (Lem´ures). The ghosts of departed souls. Milton, in his “Ode to the Nativity,” says – “Lemures moan with midnight […]

Mythology June 1, 2024 June 1, 2024 Lemures, manes, myth, mythological character, mythology

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Lemures, manes, myth, mythological character, mythology
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