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Definitions of ‘toothache’ toothache (noun) Synonyms: odontalgia Associated words: odontalgic

Dictionary June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 noun, odontalgia, odontalgic

Definitions of ‘toothsome’ toothsome (noun) Synonyms: palatable, [[delicious]], [[savory]], gustable

Dictionary June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 delicious, gustable, noun, palatable, savory

Definitions of ‘top’ top (noun) Synonyms: [[summit]], [[crest]], apex, [[vertex]], [[pinnacle]], [[zenith]], culmination, capsheaf, [[meridian]] top (verb) Synonyms: [[surmount]], [[overtop]], […]

Dictionary June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 apex, capsheaf, crest, culmination, meridian, noun, overtop, pinnacle, summit, surmount, surpass, verb, vertex, zenith

Definitions of ‘toper’ toper (noun) Synonyms: [[drunkard]], [[sot]], inebriate, guzzler

Dictionary June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 drunkard, guzzler, inebriate, noun, sot

Definitions of ‘topic’ topic (noun) Synonyms: [[subject]], theme, [[division]], [[head]], subdivision

Dictionary June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 division, head, noun, subdivision, subject, theme

Definitions of ‘topknot’ topknot (noun) Synonyms: [[crest]]

Dictionary June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 crest, noun

Definitions of ‘torment’ torment (noun) Synonyms: [[pain]], [[anguish]], [[distress]], torture, bane, infliction, [[scourge]], [[thorn]] torment (verb) Synonyms: [[persecute]], [[hector]], [[tease]], […]

Dictionary June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 anguish, bane, distress, grill, harry, hector, infliction, noun, pain, persecute, rack, scourge, tantalize, tease, thorn, torture, verb

Definitions of ‘tornado’ tornado (noun) Synonyms: [[hurricane]], [[cyclone]], [[whirlwind]]

Dictionary June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 cyclone, hurricane, noun, whirlwind

Definitions of ‘torpidity’ torpidity (noun) Synonyms: [[numbness]], [[lethargy]], [[inactivity]], hebetude

Dictionary June 3, 2024 June 3, 2024 hebetude, inactivity, lethargy, noun, numbness

Definitions of ‘touch’ touch (verb) Synonyms: [[meet]], impinge, graze touch (noun) Synonyms: [[touching]], [[contact]], contiguity, juxtaposition, osculation, tangency, taction, tact, […]

Dictionary June 3, 2024 June 3, 2024 animadversion, censure, contact, contiguity, dash, graze, impalpability, impalpable, impinge, infusion, juxtaposition, meet, noun, osculation, palpability, palpable, palpation, reflection, slur, soupçon, sprinkling, stricture, tact, tactile, tactility, taction, tactual, tangency, touching, verb

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animadversion, censure, contact, contiguity, dash, graze, impalpability, impalpable, impinge, infusion, juxtaposition, meet, noun, osculation, palpability, palpable, palpation, reflection, slur, soupçon, sprinkling, stricture, tact, tactile, tactility, taction, tactual, tangency, touching, verb
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