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Definitions of ‘boasting’ boasting (noun) Synonyms: bragging, gasconade, vaporing, fanfaronade, rodomontade, blague, bravado, blustering, jactitation, vaunting Antonyms: disparagement, depreciation

Dictionary May 22, 2023 May 22, 2023 blague, blustering, bragging, bravado, fanfaronade, gasconade, jactitation, noun, rodomontade, vaporing, vaunting

Definitions of ‘boaster’ boaster (noun) Synonyms: braggart, vaunter, braggadocio, gascon, rodomont, blusterer, fanfaron, drawcansir

Dictionary May 22, 2023 May 22, 2023 blusterer, braggadocio, braggart, drawcansir, fanfaron, gascon, noun, rodomont, vaunter

Definitions of ‘blusterer’ blusterer (noun) Synonyms: swaggerer, braggart, rodomont, roisterer, vaunter

Dictionary May 22, 2023 May 22, 2023 braggart, noun, rodomont, roisterer, swaggerer, vaunter

Definitions of ‘bluster’ bluster (verb) Synonyms: swagger, storm, rage, gasconade, roister bluster (noun) Synonyms: swaggering, gasconade, boasting, wind, storm

Dictionary May 22, 2023 May 22, 2023 boasting, gasconade, noun, rage, roister, storm, swagger, swaggering, verb, wind

Definitions of ‘blushing’ blushing (noun) Synonyms: blush, erubescence

Dictionary May 22, 2023 May 22, 2023 blush, erubescence, noun

Definitions of ‘blur’ blur (verb) Synonyms: dim, bedim, obscure, sully, blemish, mackle, macule blur (noun) Synonyms: blot, indistinctness, mackle, macule

Dictionary May 22, 2023 May 22, 2023 bedim, blemish, blot, dim, indistinctness, mackle, macule, noun, obscure, sully, verb

Definitions of ‘blunder’ blunder (noun) Synonyms: bull, error, mistake, impropriety, slip, solecism, faux pas

Dictionary May 22, 2023 May 22, 2023 bull, error, faux pas, impropriety, mistake, noun, slip, solecism

Definitions of ‘blue’ blue (noun) Synonyms: azure, amethystine, sapphirine, cerulean, cyanin, anthokyan, anthocyanin blue (noun) Synonyms: indigo

Dictionary May 21, 2023 May 21, 2023 amethystine, anthocyanin, anthokyan, azure, cerulean, cyanin, indigo, noun, sapphirine

Definitions of ‘blowhole’ blowhole (noun) Synonyms: spiracle

Dictionary May 21, 2023 May 21, 2023 noun, spiracle

Definitions of ‘blow’ blow (noun) Synonyms: blossom, bloom, whack, knock, thwack, rap, thump, assault, stroke, buffet, calamity, disaster, reverse, misfortune

Dictionary May 21, 2023 May 21, 2023 assault, bloom, blossom, buffet, calamity, disaster, knock, misfortune, noun, rap, reverse, stroke, thump, thwack, whack

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assault, bloom, blossom, buffet, calamity, disaster, knock, misfortune, noun, rap, reverse, stroke, thump, thwack, whack
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