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Definitions of ‘unbeliever’ unbeliever (noun) Synonyms: doubter, [[skeptic]], [[infidel]], [[free-thinker]], nullifidian

Dictionary June 13, 2024 June 13, 2024 doubter, free-thinker, infidel, noun, nullifidian, skeptic

Definitions of ‘unbreakableness’ unbreakableness (noun) Synonyms: infrangibility, inviolability

Dictionary June 13, 2024 June 13, 2024 infrangibility, inviolability, noun

Definitions of ‘unburying’ unburying (noun) Synonyms: [[exhumation]], disentombment, disinterment

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 disentombment, disinterment, exhumation, noun

Definitions of ‘uncertainty’ uncertainty (noun) Synonyms: [[distrust]], [[hesitation]], [[doubt]], dubiousness, dubiety, incertitude, [[irresolution]], variableness, [[inconstancy]], capriciousness, ambiguity, indefiniteness, contingency, fortuity, […]

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 ambiguity, capriciousness, contingency, distrust, doubt, dubiety, dubiousness, fallibility, fortuity, hesitation, incertitude, inconstancy, indefiniteness, irresolution, noun, suspense, variableness

Definitions of ‘unchastity’ unchastity (noun) Synonyms: incontinence, wantonness, [[lechery]], licentiousness, [[lewdness]], [[impurity]]

Dictionary June 14, 2024 June 14, 2024 impurity, incontinence, lechery, lewdness, licentiousness, noun, Wantonness

Definitions of ‘unconcern’ unconcern (noun) Synonyms: [[indifference]], [[nonchalance]], [[apathy]], disinterestedness

Dictionary June 15, 2024 June 15, 2024 apathy, disinterestedness, indifference, nonchalance, noun

Definitions of ‘unconsciousness’ unconsciousness (noun) Synonyms: [[insensibility]], coma

Dictionary June 15, 2024 June 15, 2024 coma, insensibility, noun

Definitions of ‘unction’ unction (noun) Synonyms: anointing, unguent, [[ointment]], [[fervor]], emotion, [[fervency]], [[enthusiasm]]

Dictionary June 15, 2024 June 15, 2024 anointing, emotion, enthusiasm, fervency, fervor, noun, ointment, unguent

Definitions of ‘undeceiving’ undeceiving (noun) Synonyms: disillusion, disillusionment

Dictionary June 16, 2024 June 16, 2024 disillusion, disillusionment, noun

Definitions of ‘underbrush’ underbrush (noun) Synonyms: undergrowth, [[jungle]]

Dictionary June 16, 2024 June 16, 2024 jungle, noun, undergrowth

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