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Definitions of ‘village’ village (noun) Synonyms: hamlet, borough, thorpe, dorp, burg Antonyms: [[city]], town

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 borough, burg, dorp, hamlet, noun, thorpe

Definitions of ‘villain’ villain (noun) See [[scoundrel]]

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 noun, scoundrel

Definitions of ‘villainy’ villainy (noun) Synonyms: depravity, [[wickedness]], turpitude, [[rascality]], [[scoundrelism]], [[atrocity]]

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 atrocity, depravity, noun, rascality, scoundrelism, turpitude, wickedness

Definitions of ‘vindication’ vindication (noun) Synonyms: [[justification]], [[defense]]

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 defense, justification, noun

Definitions of ‘vindicator’ vindicator (noun) Synonyms: [[justifier]], [[champion]], [[advocate]]

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 advocate, champion, justifier, noun

Definitions of ‘vine’ vine (noun) Associated words: [[lattice]], [[trellis]], tendril, [[arbor]], pergola, [[bower]], bine, cordon, amplectant, capreolate, cirrose, pourridie, cirrus

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 amplectant, arbor, bine, bower, capreolate, cirrose, cirrus, cordon, lattice, noun, pergola, pourridie, tendril, trellis

Definitions of ‘vinegar’ vinegar (noun) Associated words: acetic, acetification, acetify, [[mother]], [[guile]], wort, gyle, [[insolation]], cruet

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 acetic, acetification, acetify, cruet, guile, gyle, insolation, mother, noun, wort

Definitions of ‘violation’ violation (noun) Synonyms: [[transgression]], [[infringement]], [[breach]], infraction, [[contravention]], profanation, [[desecration]] Antonyms: inviolability, [[keeping]], [[obedience]]

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 breach, contravention, desecration, infraction, infringement, noun, profanation, transgression

Definitions of ‘violator’ violator (noun) Synonyms: trespasser, infringer, transgressor, infractor

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 infractor, infringer, noun, transgressor, trespasser

Definitions of ‘violence’ violence (noun) Synonyms: [[force]], impetuosity, [[vehemence]], intensity, [[severity]], wildness, [[fury]], [[injury]], [[violation]], profanation, [[outrage]], [[assault]]

Dictionary July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 assault, force, fury, impetuosity, injury, intensity, noun, outrage, profanation, severity, vehemence, violation, wildness

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assault, force, fury, impetuosity, injury, intensity, noun, outrage, profanation, severity, vehemence, violation, wildness
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