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Definitions of ‘jam’ jam (noun) Synonyms: preserve, conserve, crowd, throng, crush jam (verb) Synonyms: squeeze, crowd, press, wedge in, bruise

Dictionary November 13, 2023 November 13, 2023 bruise, conserve, crowd, crush, noun, preserve, press, squeeze, throng, verb, wedge in

Definitions of ‘jangle’ jangle (noun) Synonyms: clashing, clang, discord, dissonance, wrangling, quarrel, dispute, altercation jangle (verb) Synonyms: clash, clang, quarrel, […]

Dictionary November 13, 2023 November 13, 2023 altercate, altercation, clang, clash, clashing, discord, dispute, dissonance, noun, quarrel, verb, wrangle, wrangling

Definitions of ‘jangling’ jangling (adjective) Synonyms: discordant, dissonant, clashing, inharmonious

Dictionary November 13, 2023 November 13, 2023 adjective, clashing, discordant, dissonant, inharmonious

Jani (Ja´ni) was a place in Rome where there were three statues of [[Janus (mythology)]], and it was a meeting-place […]

Mythology May 26, 2024 May 26, 2024 Jani, Janus, myth, mythological character, mythology

Janitor (Ja´nitor). A title of [[Janus (mythology)]], from the gates before the doors of private houses being called Januae.

Mythology May 26, 2024 May 26, 2024 Janitor, Janus, myth, mythological character, mythology

Janus (Ja´nus). A king of Italy, said to have been the son of [[Coelus (mythology)]], others say of [[Apollo (mythology)]]; […]

Mythology May 26, 2024 May 26, 2024 Apollo, Coelus, Janus, Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology, Saturn

Definitions of ‘Japan’ Japan (noun) Synonyms: Nippon, Flowery Kingdom Associated words: Japanese, geisha, coolie, Mikado, samurai, shizoku, heimin, kwazoku, Mongol, […]

Dictionary November 13, 2023 November 13, 2023 coolie, daimio, Dairi, enamel, Flowery Kingdom, geisha, heimin, Japanese, kimono, kwazoku, lacquer, Mikado, Mongol, Mongolian, Nippon, noun, saki, samurai, shizoku, Shogun, Tycoon, varnish

Japetus (Jap´etus), son of [[Coelus (mythology)]] and [[Terra (mythology)]], husband of Clymene. He was looked upon by the Greeks as […]

Mythology May 26, 2024 May 26, 2024 Coelus, Iapetos, Japetus, myth, mythological character, mythology, Terra

Definitions of ‘jar’ jar (noun) Synonyms: crock, gurglet, shock, jolt, vibration jar (verb) Synonyms jolt, jounce, shock, discompose, unsettle, grate

Dictionary November 13, 2023 November 13, 2023 crock, discompose, grate, gurglet, jolt, jounce, noun, shock, unsettle, verb, vibration

Definitions of ‘jargon’ jargon (noun) Synonyms: gibberish, drivel, babble, gabble, twaddle, bosh, cant, slang, flash, argot, dialect

Dictionary November 13, 2023 November 13, 2023 argot, babble, bosh, cant, dialect, drivel, flash, gabble, gibberish, noun, slang, twaddle

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argot, babble, bosh, cant, dialect, drivel, flash, gabble, gibberish, noun, slang, twaddle
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