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Definitions of ‘juicy’ juicy (adjective) Synonyms: succulent, sappy, lush, luscious Antonyms: juiceless, sapless, dry

Dictionary November 16, 2023 November 16, 2023 adjective, luscious, lush, sappy, succulent

Definitions of ‘jumble’ jumble (verb) Synonyms: confuse, disarrange, entangle, mix jumble (noun) Synonyms: disorder, confusion, disarray, mixture, entanglement, chaos, hodgepodge

Dictionary November 16, 2023 November 16, 2023 chaos, confuse, confusion, disarrange, disarray, disorder, entangle, entanglement, hodgepodge, mix, mixture, noun, verb

Definitions of ‘jump’ jump (verb) Synonyms: spring, bound, leap, hop, caper, vault, bounce, jolt jump (noun) Synonyms: leap, spring, bound, […]

Dictionary November 16, 2023 November 16, 2023 bounce, bound, caper, hop, jolt, leap, noun, spring, vault, verb

Definitions of ‘junction’ junction (noun) Synonyms: union, coalition, juncture

Dictionary November 17, 2023 November 17, 2023 coalition, juncture, noun, union

Definitions of ‘juncture’ juncture (noun) Synonyms: joint, seam, crisis, conjuncture, point, exigency

Dictionary November 17, 2023 November 17, 2023 conjuncture, crisis, exigency, joint, noun, point, seam

Definitions of ‘jungle’ jungle (noun) Synonyms: thicket, brake, boscage, brush

Dictionary November 17, 2023 November 17, 2023 boscage, brake, brush, noun, thicket

Definitions of ‘junk’ junk (noun) Synonyms: useless things, discarded things, clutter, stuff, odds and ends, bits and pieces, bric-a-brac, oddments, […]

Dictionary November 17, 2023 November 17, 2023 bin, bits and pieces, bric-a-brac, bung away, bung out, castoffs, chuck away, chuck out, clutter, debris, detritus, Discard, discarded things, dispense with, dispose of, ditch, dreck, dross, dump, flotsam and jetsam, garbage, get rid of, get shot of, get shut of, gubbins, jettison, leavings, leftovers, litter, lumber, mullock, noun, oddments, odds and ends, odds and sods, refuse, rejects, remnants, rubbish, scrap, stuff, throw away, throw out, toss out, trash, useless things, verb, waste, white elephants

Definitions of ‘junket’ junket (noun) Synonyms: delicacy, sweetmeat, feast, banquet junket (verb) Synonyms feast, banquet, regale, entertain

Dictionary November 17, 2023 November 17, 2023 banquet, delicacy, entertain, feast, noun, regale, sweetmeat, verb

Juno (Ju´no) was the daughter of [[Saturn (mythology)]] and [[Ops (mythology)]], alias [[Cybele (mythology)]]. She was married to [[Jupiter (mythology)]], […]

Mythology May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024 Apollo, Cybele, Golden Apple, Hebe, Juno, Jupiter, Lucina, Mars, Minerva, myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Ops, Paris, Saturn, Venus, Vulcan

Definitions of ‘junta’ junta (noun) Synonyms: council, tribunal, assembly, convention

Dictionary November 17, 2023 November 17, 2023 assembly, convention, council, noun, tribunal

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assembly, convention, council, noun, tribunal
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