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Definitions of ‘likelihood’ likelihood (noun) Synonyms: probability, verisimilitude Antonyms: unlikelihood, improbability

Dictionary November 29, 2023 November 29, 2023 noun, probability, verisimilitude

Definitions of ‘likely’ likely (adjective) Synonyms: probable, verisimilar, good-looking, comely, appropriate Antonyms: unlikely, improbable

Dictionary November 29, 2023 November 29, 2023 adjective, appropriate, comely, good-looking, probable, verisimilar

Definitions of ‘liken’ liken (verb) Synonyms: compare

Dictionary November 29, 2023 November 29, 2023 compare, verb

Definitions of ‘likeness’ likeness (noun) Synonyms: similitude, resemblance, similarity, appearance, guise, analogy, portrait, effigy, counterpart, image, copy, facsimile

Dictionary November 29, 2023 November 29, 2023 analogy, appearance, copy, counterpart, effigy, facsimile, guise, image, noun, portrait, resemblance, similarity, similitude

Definitions of ‘liking’ liking (noun) Synonyms: fondness, partiality, affection, approval, preference, predilection Antonyms: distaste, aversion, inappetency, hatred, antipathy, disapproval

Dictionary November 29, 2023 November 29, 2023 affection, approval, fondness, noun, partiality, predilection, preference

Lilith (Li´lith). A Jewish myth representing a finely dressed woman who is a great enemy to new-born children. She was […]

Mythology June 4, 2024 June 4, 2024 Lilith, myth, mythological character, mythology

Definitions of ‘limb’ limb (noun) Synonyms: branch, bough

Dictionary November 29, 2023 November 29, 2023 bough, branch, noun

Definitions of ‘limber’ limber (adjective) Synonyms: flexible, pliant, limp, pliable, supple, lithe, lithesome Antonyms: See stiff

Dictionary November 30, 2023 November 30, 2023 adjective, flexible, limp, lithe, lithesome, pliable, pliant, supple

Definitions of ‘lime’ lime (noun) Associated words: calcareous, calciferous, calcariferous, calcification, calcify, calcified, calcivorous, calcination, calciform, slack, cretification, calcigerous, kalsomine

Dictionary November 30, 2023 November 30, 2023 calcareous, calcariferous, calciferous, calcification, calcified, calciform, calcify, calcigerous, calcination, calcivorous, cretification, kalsomine, noun, slack

Definitions of ‘limit’ limit (noun) Synonyms: bound, boundary, confine, extent, restriction, check, restraint, limitation limit (verb) Synonyms: restrict, circumscribe, define, […]

Dictionary November 30, 2023 November 30, 2023 bound, boundary, check, circumscribe, confine, define, extent, limitation, noun, restraint, restrict, restriction, verb

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bound, boundary, check, circumscribe, confine, define, extent, limitation, noun, restraint, restrict, restriction, verb
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