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Definitions of ‘laudatory’ laudatory (adjective) Synonyms: panegyrical, eulogistic, encomiastic, adulatory, commendatory

Dictionary November 23, 2023 November 23, 2023 adjective, adulatory, commendatory, encomiastic, eulogistic, panegyrical

Definitions of ‘laudable’ laudable (adjective) Synonyms: praisworth, commendable Antonyms: illaudable, unpraiseworthy, indign

Dictionary November 23, 2023 November 23, 2023 adjective, commendable, praisworth

Definitions of ‘laud’ laud (verb) Synonyms: extol, praise See praise

Dictionary November 23, 2023 November 23, 2023 extol, praise, verb

Definitions of ‘lattice-work’ lattice-work (noun) Synonyms: lattice, trellis, treillage, espailier

Dictionary November 23, 2023 November 23, 2023 espailier, lattice, noun, treillage, trellis

Definitions of ‘lattice’ lattice (noun) Synonyms: trellis, lattice-work, cancelli, grille

Dictionary November 23, 2023 November 23, 2023 cancelli, grille, lattice-work, noun, trellis

Definitions of ‘latitude’ latitude (noun) Synonyms: breadth, width, room, range, scope, extent, freedom, laxity

Dictionary November 23, 2023 November 23, 2023 breadth, extent, freedom, laxity, noun, range, room, scope, width

Definitions of ‘later’ later (adjective) Synonyms: subsequent, posterior

Dictionary November 23, 2023 November 23, 2023 adjective, posterior, subsequent

Definitions of ‘latent’ latent (adjective) Synonyms: concealed, dormant, undeveloped, hidden

Dictionary November 23, 2023 November 23, 2023 adjective, concealed, dormant, hidden, undeveloped

Definitions of ‘lately’ lately (adverb) Synonyms: recently

Dictionary November 23, 2023 November 23, 2023 adverb, recently

Definitions of ‘late’ late (adjective) Synonyms: tardy, delayed, recent

Dictionary November 23, 2023 November 23, 2023 adjective, delayed, recent, tardy

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adjective, delayed, recent, tardy
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