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Definitions of ‘pen’ pen (verb) Synonyms: confine, coop, encage, corral pen (noun) Synonyms: coop, sty, cote, enclosure, hutch, paddock, pound, […]

Dictionary January 27, 2024 January 27, 2024 confine, coop, corral, cote, encage, enclosure, hutch, noun, paddock, pinfold, pound, stockade, sty, verb

Definitions of ‘penalty’ penalty (noun) Synonyms: punishment, retribution, forfeiture, fine, mulct

Dictionary January 27, 2024 January 27, 2024 fine, forfeiture, mulct, noun, punishment, retribution

Definitions of ‘pending’ pending (adjective) Synonyms: unresolved, undecided, unsettled, unconcluded, uncertain, awaiting decision, awaiting action, undetermined, open, hanging fire, in […]

Dictionary January 27, 2024 January 27, 2024 adjective, awaiting, awaiting action, awaiting attention, awaiting decision, before, hanging fire, in abeyance, in limbo, in reserve, in the air, in the balance, incomplete, left, not done, on ice, ongoing, open, outstanding, preposition, remaining, till, to be done, unattended to, uncertain, unconcluded, undecided, undetermined, undone, unfinished, unresolved, unsettled, until, until there is, waiting for

Definitions of ‘penetrable’ penetrable (adjective) Synonyms: permeable, pervious Antonyms: impenetrable

Dictionary January 27, 2024 January 27, 2024 adjective, permeable, pervious

Definitions of ‘penetrate’ penetrate (verb) Synonyms: pierce, perforate, comprehend, understand, explore, interpenetrate

Dictionary January 27, 2024 January 27, 2024 comprehend, explore, interpenetrate, perforate, pierce, understand, verb

Definitions of ‘penetrating’ penetrating (adjective) Synonyms: piercing, subtile, penetrant, sharp, acute, discerning, penetrative

Dictionary January 27, 2024 January 27, 2024 acute, adjective, discerning, penetrant, penetrative, piercing, sharp, subtile

Definitions of ‘penetration’ penetration (noun) Synonyms: piercing, perforation, acuteness, discernment, sharpness, interpenetration

Dictionary January 27, 2024 January 27, 2024 acuteness, discernment, interpenetration, noun, perforation, piercing, sharpness

Definitions of ‘peninsula’ peninsula (noun) Synonyms: chersonese

Dictionary January 27, 2024 January 27, 2024 chersonese, noun

Definitions of ‘penis’ penis (noun) Associated words: penial, foreskin, prepuce, glans, urethra, chordee, erection, orgasm, corpus spangiosum, priapism, phimosis, smegma, […]

Dictionary January 27, 2024 January 27, 2024 bougie, chordee, corpus spangiosum, erection, foreskin, glans, noun, orgasm, penial, phallus, phimosis, prepuce, priapism, smegma, urethra

Definitions of ‘penitence’ penitence (noun) Synonyms: contrition, repentance, remorse, compunction Antonyms: impenitence

Dictionary January 27, 2024 January 27, 2024 compunction, contrition, noun, remorse, repentance

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compunction, contrition, noun, remorse, repentance
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