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Definitions of ‘pitch’ pitch (noun) Synonyms: slope, declivity, slant pitch (noun) Synonyms: bitumen, asphaltum pitch (verb) Synonyms: cast, hurl, toss, […]

Dictionary February 4, 2024 February 4, 2024 asphaltum, bitumen, cast, chuck, decline, declivity, fling, heave, hurl, noun, plunge, slant, slope, throw, toss, verb

Definitions of ‘pitcher’ pitcher (noun) Synonyms: jug, ewer, jar, toby, aiguière

Dictionary February 4, 2024 February 4, 2024 aiguière, ewer, jar, jug, noun, toby

Definitions of ‘pitcher-shaped’ pitcher-shaped (adjective) Synonyms: urceolate

Dictionary February 4, 2024 February 4, 2024 adjective, urceolate

Definitions of ‘piteous’ piteous (adjective) Synonyms: compassionate, merciful, mournful, plaintive, doleful

Dictionary February 4, 2024 February 4, 2024 adjective, compassionate, doleful, merciful, mournful, plaintive

Definitions of ‘pitfall’ pitfall (noun) Synonyms: snare, trap, pit

Dictionary February 4, 2024 February 4, 2024 noun, pit, snare, trap

Definitions of ‘pith’ pith (noun) Synonyms: marrow, gist, heart, essence, substance

Dictionary February 4, 2024 February 4, 2024 essence, gist, heart, marrow, noun, substance

Definitions of ‘pithy’ pithy (adjective) Synonyms: sententious, laconic

Dictionary February 5, 2024 February 5, 2024 adjective, laconic, sententious

Definitions of ‘pitiable’ pitiable (adjective) Synonyms: sad, piteous, lamentable, deplorable

Dictionary February 5, 2024 February 5, 2024 adjective, deplorable, lamentable, piteous, sad

Definitions of ‘pitiful’ pitiful (adjective) Synonyms: tender-hearted, compassionate, merciful, lenient, ruthful, clement, lamentable, piteous, sad, sorrowful, despicable, contemptible, abject, mean

Dictionary February 5, 2024 February 5, 2024 abject, adjective, clement, compassionate, contemptible, despicable, lamentable, lenient, mean, merciful, piteous, ruthful, sad, sorrowful, tender-hearted

Definitions of ‘pitiless’ pitiless (adjective) See unmerciful

Dictionary February 5, 2024 February 5, 2024 adjective, unmerciful

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