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Definitions of ‘nose’ nose (noun) Synonyms: snout, nozzle, spout, proboscis, muzzle nose (noun) Associated words: nasal, rhinal, rhinology, rhinoplasty, coryza, […]

Dictionary January 7, 2024 January 7, 2024 aquiline, coryza, grogblossom, muzzle, nasal, nasalization, nasalize, nasiform, nasute, nostril, noun, nozzle, polypus, proboscis, pug, retroussé, rhinal, rhinitis, rhinolith, rhinology, rhinoplasty, rosedrop, septum, simous, snivel, snout, snuff, snuffle, spout, vibrissa, vomer

Definitions of ‘nosebleeding’ nosebleeding (noun) Synonyms: epistaxis

Dictionary January 7, 2024 January 7, 2024 epistaxis, noun

Definitions of ‘nostalgia’ nostalgia (noun) Synonyms: homesickness

Dictionary January 7, 2024 January 7, 2024 homesickness, noun

Definitions of ‘notable’ notable (adjective) Synonyms: noticeable, conspicuous, plain, evident, signal, remarkable, famous

Dictionary January 7, 2024 January 7, 2024 adjective, conspicuous, evident, famous, noticeable, plain, remarkable, signal

Definitions of ‘notch’ notch (verb) Synonyms: nick, score, indent, crenellate notch (noun) Synonyms: nick, indentation, score, dent, crenature, serration, emargination

Dictionary January 7, 2024 January 7, 2024 crenature, crenellate, dent, emargination, indent, indentation, nick, noun, score, serration, verb

Definitions of ‘notched’ notched (adjective) Synonyms: serrated, crenated, incised, emarginated

Dictionary January 7, 2024 January 7, 2024 adjective, crenated, emarginated, incised, serrated

Definitions of ‘notching’ notching (noun) Synonyms: notch, indentation, serration, crenation

Dictionary January 7, 2024 January 7, 2024 crenation, indentation, notch, noun, serration

Definitions of ‘note’ note (noun) Synonyms: billet, memorandum, minute, record, remark, comment, annotation, commentary, scholium, gloss, mark, token, sign, feature, […]

Dictionary January 7, 2024 January 7, 2024 annotate, annotation, billet, celebrity, comment, commentary, distinction, fame, feature, gloss, jot down, mark, memorandum, minute, notice, noun, observation, peculiarity, postillate, record, remark, renown, reputation, repute, scholium, See notice, sign, token, verb

Definitions of ‘note-book’ note-book (noun) Synonyms: memorandum-book, commonplace book, adversaria, journal, diary

Dictionary January 7, 2024 January 7, 2024 adversaria, commonplace book, diary, journal, memorandum-book, noun

Definitions of ‘noted’ noted (adjective) Synonyms: celebrated, renowned, eminent, distinguished, famous

Dictionary January 7, 2024 January 7, 2024 adjective, celebrated, distinguished, eminent, famous, renowned

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adjective, celebrated, distinguished, eminent, famous, renowned
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